Percepção da imagem corporal e representações sociais do corpo K Secchi, BV Camargo, RB Bertoldo Psicologia: teoria e pesquisa 25, 229-236, 2009 | 215 | 2009 |
The outer influence inside us: Exploring the relation between social and personal norms R Bertoldo, P Castro Resources, Conservation and Recycling 112, 45-53, 2016 | 178 | 2016 |
Representação social do corpo na mídia impressa ER Goetz, BV Camargo, RB Bertoldo, AM Justo Psicologia & Sociedade 20, 226-236, 2008 | 136 | 2008 |
Public perceptions and governance of controversial technologies to tackle climate change: nuclear power, carbon capture and storage, wind, and geoengineering M Poumadère, R Bertoldo, J Samadi Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 2 (5), 712-727, 2011 | 130 | 2011 |
Representação social do namoro: a intimidade na visão dos jovens RB Bertoldo, A Barbará Psico-USF 11, 229-237, 2006 | 83 | 2006 |
Concepção pragmática e científica dos adolescentes sobre a AIDS BV Camargo, A Barbará, RB Bertoldo Psicologia em estudo 12, 277-284, 2007 | 73 | 2007 |
When meters start to talk: The public’s encounter with smart meters in France R Bertoldo, M Poumadère, LC Rodrigues Jr Energy Research & Social Science 9, 146-156, 2015 | 70 | 2015 |
Comparação da vulnerabilidade de estudantes da escola pública e particular em relação ao HIV BV Camargo, RB Bertoldo Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) 23, 369-379, 2006 | 58 | 2006 |
Climate concerned but anti-nuclear: Exploring (dis) approval of nuclear energy in four European countries M Sonnberger, M Ruddat, A Arnold, D Scheer, W Poortinga, G Böhm, ... Energy Research & Social Science 75, 102008, 2021 | 43 | 2021 |
Pro-environmental beliefs and behaviors: two levels of response to environmental social norms R Bertoldo, P Castro, A Barbará S Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología 45 (3), 435-446, 2013 | 43 | 2013 |
Scientific truth or debate: On the link between perceived scientific consensus and belief in anthropogenic climate change R Bertoldo, C Mays, G Böhm, W Poortinga, M Poumadère, E Tvinnereim, ... Public Understanding of Science 28 (7), 778-796, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Great deeds or great risks? Scientists’ social representations of nanotechnology R Bertoldo, C Mays, M Poumadère, N Schneider, C Svendsen Journal of Risk Research 19 (6), 760-779, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
From legal to normative: A combined social representations and sociocognitive approach to diagnosing cultural change triggered by new environmental laws R Bertoldo, P Castro Culture & Psychology 25 (3), 324-344, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
The future protection from the climate change-related hazards and the willingness to pay for home insurance in the coastal wetlands of West Sardinia, Italy A Ivčević, V Statzu, A Satta, R Bertoldo International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 52, 101956, 2021 | 32 | 2021 |
Local risk awareness and precautionary behaviour in a multi-hazard region of North Morocco A Ivčević, R Bertoldo, H Mazurek, L Siame, S Guignard, AB Moussa, ... International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50, 101724, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
Représentations sociales du changement climatique: effets de contexte et d’implication RB Bertoldo, ABS Bousfield Temas em psicologia 19 (1), 121-137, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |
Coastal vulnerabilities under the deliberation of stakeholders: The case of two French sandy beaches M Poumadere, R Bertoldo, D Idier, C Mallet, C Oliveros, M Robin Ocean & Coastal Management 105, 166-176, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
Vulnerability of sandy coasts to climate variability D Idier, B Castelle, M Poumadère, Y Balouin, RB Bertoldo, F Bouchette, ... Climate Research 57 (1), 19-44, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Climate change activism between weak and strong environmentalism: Advocating social change with moderate argumentation strategies P Castro, M ali Uzelgun, R Bertoldo The social psychology of everyday politics, 156-172, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
A influência de vídeos documentários na divulgação científica de conhecimento sobre a Aids BV Camargo, A Barbará, RB Bertoldo Psicologia: reflexão e crítica 21, 179-185, 2008 | 27 | 2008 |