Kellie Morrissey
Cited by
Cited by
" What can i help you with?" infrequent users' experiences of intelligent personal assistants
BR Cowan, N Pantidi, D Coyle, K Morrissey, P Clarke, S Al-Shehri, ...
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on human-computer …, 2017
Exploring the design of tailored virtual reality experiences for people with dementia
J Hodge, M Balaam, S Hastings, K Morrissey
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
‘Realness’ in chatbots: establishing quantifiable criteria
K Morrissey, J Kirakowski
Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Modalities and Techniques: 15th …, 2013
Ticket to talk: Supporting conversation between young people and people with dementia through digital media
D Welsh, K Morrissey, S Foley, R McNaney, C Salis, J McCarthy, J Vines
proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
From her story, to our story: Digital storytelling as public engagement around abortion rights advocacy in Ireland
L Michie, M Balaam, J McCarthy, T Osadchiy, K Morrissey
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
The value of experience-centred design approaches in dementia research contexts
K Morrissey, J McCarthy, N Pantidi
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
'I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler, I'm a long way from home' The Place of Props, Music, and Design in Dementia Care
K Morrissey, G Wood, D Green, N Pantidi, J McCarthy
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems …, 2016
Self Harmony: Rethinking Hackathons to Design and Critique Digital Technologies for Those Affected by Self-Harm
N Birbeck, S Lawson, K Morrissey, T Rapley, P Olivier
2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017
Printer Pals: Experience-centered design to support agency for people with dementia
S Foley, D Welsh, N Pantidi, K Morrissey, T Nappey, J McCarthy
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
Relational, flexible, everyday: learning from ethics in dementia research
J Hodge, S Foley, R Brankaert, G Kenning, A Lazar, J Boger, K Morrissey
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Exploring media capture of meaningful experiences to support families living with dementia
J Hodge, K Montague, S Hastings, K Morrissey
Proceedings of the 2019 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2019
Using thematic analysis in healthcare HCI at CHI: A scoping review
R Bowman, C Nadal, K Morrissey, A Thieme, G Doherty
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
ReFind: design, lived experience and ongoingness in bereavement
J Wallace, K Montague, T Duncan, LP Carvalho, N Koulidou, J Mahoney, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Care and connect: Exploring dementia-friendliness through an online community commissioning platform
K Morrissey, A Garbett, P Wright, P Olivier, EI Jenkins, K Brittain
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
Creative and opportunistic use of everyday music technologies in a dementia care unit
K Morrissey, J McCarthy
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition …, 2015
Supporting the complex social lives of new parents
AL Toombs, K Morrissey, E Simpson, CM Gray, J Vines, M Balaam
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
Older voices: Supporting community radio production for civic participation in later life
A Reuter, T Bartindale, K Morrissey, T Scharf, J Liddle
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
WheelieMap: an exploratory system for qualitative reports of inaccessibility in the built environment
R Kirkham, R Ebassa, K Montague, K Morrissey, V Vlachokyriakos, ...
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2017
Handing over the keys: A qualitative study of the experience of automation in driving
C Linehan, G Murphy, K Hicks, K Gerling, K Morrissey
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 35 (18), 1681-1692, 2019
Human computer interaction & health activism
R Talhouk, K Morrissey, S Fox, N Pantidi, E Simpson, LE Michie, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018
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Articles 1–20