Milene Oliveira
Cited by
Cited by
Online language learning and workplace communication: a study on Babbel’s virtual-classroom solution
M Mendes de Oliveira, Z Sporn, L Kliemann, A Borschke, M Meyering
Computer Assisted Language Learning 36 (8), 1501-1527, 2023
Business negotiations in ELF from a cultural linguistic perspective
M Mendes de Oliveira
de Gruyter, 2019
A Genuine'Miteinander': On Becoming a Team in an International Virtual Simulation Game
L Conti, MM Oliveira, B Nietzel
interculture journal: Online-Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Studien 21 (36 …, 2022
Blended classic joint attention and multimodal deixis
M Turner, M Avelar, M Mendes de Oliveira
Cultural conceptualizations of business negotiations in the Expanding Circle
M Mendes de Oliveira
World Englishes 37 (4), 684-696, 2018
Conceptualizations of respect in business negotiations: A research note
MM de Oliveira
International Journal of Language & Culture 4 (2), 2017
Assertiveness, compliance, and politeness: Pragmatic and sociocultural aspects of ‘Brazilian English’and'American English'
M Mendes De Oliveira
International Journal of Society, Culture & Language 3 (1), 76-90, 2015
English as a lingua franca and interculturality: navigating structure-and process-oriented perspectives in intercultural interactions
M Mendes de Oliveira
Language and Intercultural Communication 24 (2), 105-117, 2024
Intercultural pragmatics and cultural linguistics
U Schröder, M Mendes de Oliveira, HG Wolf
International Journal of Language and Culture 7 (1), 1-14, 2020
Interculturality and decision making: Pursuing jointness in online teams
M Mendes de Oliveira, M Stevanovic
Intercultural Pragmatics 21 (1), 1-32, 2024
Intercultural learning as an interactional achievement in a digital space
M Mendes de Oliveira, MA Tuccillo
Lifewide learning is Postdigital societies: Shedding Light on Emerging …, 2024
Face and cultural conceptualizations in German-Brazilian business exchanges
M Mendes de Oliveira
International Journal of Language and Culture 7 (1), 63-83, 2020
Linguística cultural e comunicação intercultural: Uma síntese de discussões e pesquisas recentes na Universidade de Potsdam
M Mendes de Oliveira, HG Wolf
Linguística (inter-)cultural em interação, 2019
Sociopragmatic failure revisited: the case of intercultural communication between Brazilians and Americans1
M Mendes de Oliveira
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada 17, 307-334, 2017
Failure in intercultural communication
M Mendes de Oliveira
Routledge International Handbook of Failure, 25-37, 2023
A Successful Business Negotiation is Resource Sharing: Investigating Brazilian and German Cultural Conceptualisations in ‘Conceptual Scripts’
M Mendes de Oliveira
Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes, 317-331, 2021
Repensando o ensino de cultura em aulas de língua estrangeira
UA Schröder, M Mendes de Oliveira
Signum: Estudos da Linguagem 14 (2), 311-332, 2011
John Gumperz' Discourse Strategies
M Mendes de Oliveira
Interculture 38, 12-15, 2023
The ‘Olympic Spirit’from a cross-cultural perspective: a cognitive-pragmatic analysis
U Schröder, M Mendes de Oliveira, T Nascimento
Metaphor Conceptualizations: (Inter)Cultural Perspectives 45, 159, 2022
Metaphorical conceptualizations:(inter) cultural perspectives
U Schröder, MM de Oliveira, AM Tenuta
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2022
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Articles 1–20