Michael Vohland
Michael Vohland
Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Institute for Geography, Leipzig University, Leipzig
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Cited by
Downscaling land surface temperatures at regional scales with random forest regression
C Hutengs, M Vohland
Remote Sensing of Environment 178, 127-141, 2016
Determination of soil properties with visible to near-and mid-infrared spectroscopy: Effects of spectral variable selection
M Vohland, M Ludwig, S Thiele-Bruhn, B Ludwig
Geoderma 223, 88-96, 2014
Comparing different multivariate calibration methods for the determination of soil organic carbon pools with visible to near infrared spectroscopy
M Vohland, J Besold, J Hill, HC Fründ
Geoderma 166 (1), 198-205, 2011
Estimation of photosynthesis traits from leaf reflectance spectra: Correlation to nitrogen content as the dominant mechanism
B Dechant, M Cuntz, M Vohland, E Schulz, D Doktor
Remote Sensing of Environment 196, 279-292, 2017
Impact of ecologically different earthworm species on soil water characteristics
G Ernst, D Felten, M Vohland, C Emmerling
European Journal of Soil Biology 45 (3), 207-213, 2009
The use of airborne hyperspectral data for tree species classification in a species-rich Central European forest area
R Richter, B Reu, C Wirth, D Doktor, M Vohland
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 52 …, 2016
In situ and laboratory soil spectroscopy with portable visible-to-near-infrared and mid-infrared instruments for the assessment of organic carbon in soils
C Hutengs, M Seidel, F Oertel, B Ludwig, M Vohland
Geoderma 355, 113900, 2019
Applying different inversion techniques to retrieve stand variables of summer barley with PROSPECT+ SAIL
M Vohland, S Mader, W Dorigo
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (2 …, 2010
Determination of total soil organic C and hot water‐extractable C from VIS‐NIR soil reflectance with partial least squares regression and spectral feature selection techniques
M Vohland, C Emmerling
European Journal of Soil Science 62 (4), 598-606, 2011
Validating MODIS and sentinel-2 NDVI products at a temperate deciduous forest site using two independent ground-based sensors
M Lange, B Dechant, C Rebmann, M Vohland, M Cuntz, D Doktor
Sensors 17 (8), 1855, 2017
Near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) predicts non‐structural carbohydrate concentrations in different tissue types of a broad range of tree species
JA Ramirez, JM Posada, IT Handa, G Hoch, M Vohland, C Messier, B Reu
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (9), 1018-1025, 2015
Estimating structural and biochemical parameters for grassland from spectroradiometer data by radiative transfer modelling (PROSPECT+ SAIL)
M Vohland, T Jarmer
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (1), 191-209, 2008
Strategies for the efficient estimation of soil organic carbon at the field scale with vis-NIR spectroscopy: Spectral libraries and spiking vs. local calibrations
M Seidel, C Hutengs, B Ludwig, S Thiele-Bruhn, M Vohland
Geoderma 354, 113856, 2019
Comparison of portable and bench-top spectrometers for mid-infrared diffuse reflectance measurements of soils
C Hutengs, B Ludwig, A Jung, A Eisele, M Vohland
Sensors 18 (4), 993, 2018
Quantification of soil properties with hyperspectral data: Selecting spectral variables with different methods to improve accuracies and analyze prediction mechanisms
M Vohland, M Ludwig, S Thiele-Bruhn, B Ludwig
Remote Sensing 9 (11), 1103, 2017
A spectroscopic approach to assess trace–heavy metal contents in contaminated floodplain soils via spectrally active soil components
M Vohland, C Bossung, HC Fründ
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172 (2), 201-209, 2009
Linking remote sensing and geodiversity and their traits relevant to biodiversity—Part I: soil characteristics
A Lausch, J Baade, L Bannehr, E Borg, J Bumberger, S Chabrilliat, ...
Remote sensing 11 (20), 2356, 2019
Quantification of soil organic carbon at regional scale: Benefits of fusing vis-NIR and MIR diffuse reflectance data are greater for in situ than for laboratory-based modelling …
M Vohland, B Ludwig, M Seidel, C Hutengs
Geoderma 405, 115426, 2022
Using variable selection and wavelets to exploit the full potential of visible–near infrared spectra for predicting soil properties
M Vohland, M Ludwig, M Harbich, C Emmerling, S Thiele-Bruhn
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 24 (3), 255-269, 2016
Accuracy of estimating soil properties with mid‐infrared spectroscopy: Implications of different chemometric approaches and software packages related to calibration sample size
B Ludwig, R Murugan, VRR Parama, M Vohland
Soil Science Society of America Journal 83 (5), 1542-1552, 2019
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Articles 1–20