Eric S. Hall, PhD, MBA, FAMIA
Eric S. Hall, PhD, MBA, FAMIA
Chief Research Informatics Officer, Nemours Children's Health
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Cited by
System and method for wireless data transfer for a mobile unit
ES Hall, DK Vawdrey, CD Knutson
US Patent 7,236,742, 2007
Material community deprivation and hospital utilization during the first year of life: an urban population–based cohort study
C Brokamp, AF Beck, NK Goyal, P Ryan, JM Greenberg, ES Hall
Annals of epidemiology 30, 37-43, 2019
A multicenter cohort study of treatments and hospital outcomes in neonatal abstinence syndrome
ES Hall, SL Wexelblatt, M Crowley, JL Grow, LR Jasin, MA Klebanoff, ...
Pediatrics 134 (2), e527-e534, 2014
Air pollution and stillbirth risk: exposure to airborne particulate matter during pregnancy is associated with fetal death
E DeFranco, E Hall, M Hossain, A Chen, EN Haynes, D Jones, S Ren, ...
PLoS One 10 (3), e0120594, 2015
Exposure to airborne particulate matter during pregnancy is associated with preterm birth: a population-based cohort study
E DeFranco, W Moravec, F Xu, E Hall, M Hossain, EN Haynes, L Muglia, ...
Environmental Health 15, 1-8, 2016
Implementation of a neonatal abstinence syndrome weaning protocol: a multicenter cohort study
ES Hall, SL Wexelblatt, M Crowley, JL Grow, LR Jasin, MA Klebanoff, ...
Pediatrics 136 (4), e803-e810, 2015
A cohort comparison of buprenorphine versus methadone treatment for neonatal abstinence syndrome
ES Hall, BT Isemann, SL Wexelblatt, J Meinzen-Derr, JR Wiles, S Harvey, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 170, 39-44. e1, 2016
Enabling remote access to personal electronic medical records
ES Hall, DK Vawdrey, CD Knutson, JK Archibald
IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine 22 (3), 133-139, 2003
Phenotyping for patient safety: algorithm development for electronic health record based automated adverse event and medical error detection in neonatal intensive care
Q Li, K Melton, T Lingren, ES Kirkendall, E Hall, H Zhai, Y Ni, M Kaiser, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 21 (5), 776-784, 2014
Periconception Exposure to Air Pollution and Risk of Congenital Malformations
S Ren, E Haynes, E Hall, M Hossain, A Chen, L Muglia, L Lu, E DeFranco
The Journal of pediatrics 193, 76-84. e6, 2018
Genomic information for clinicians in the electronic health record: lessons learned from the clinical genome resource project and the electronic medical records and genomics …
MS Williams, CO Taylor, NA Walton, SR Goehringer, S Aronson, ...
Frontiers in genetics 10, 1059, 2019
Racial disparity in previable birth
EA DeFranco, ES Hall, LJ Muglia
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 214 (3), 394. e1-394. e7, 2016
Risk Calculator to Predict Cesarean Delivery Among Women Undergoing Induction of Labor
RM Rossi, E Requarth, CR Warshak, KR Dufendach, ES Hall, ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 135 (3), 559-568, 2020
Reported prevalence of maternal hepatitis C virus infection in the United States
RM Rossi, C Wolfe, R Brokamp, JM McAllister, S Wexelblatt, CR Warshak, ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 135 (2), 387-395, 2020
Dosage effect of prenatal home visiting on pregnancy outcomes in at-risk, first-time mothers
NK Goyal, ES Hall, JK Meinzen-Derr, RS Kahn, JA Short, JB Van Ginkel, ...
Pediatrics 132 (Supplement 2), S118-S125, 2013
Developmental Disorders and Medical Complications Among Infants with Subclinical Intrauterine Opioid Exposures
ES Hall, JM McAllister, SL Wexelblatt
Population health management 22 (1), 19-24, 2019
Cohort Analysis of a Pharmacokinetic-Modeled Methadone Weaning Optimization for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
ES Hall, J Meinzen-Derr, SL Wexelblatt
The Journal of Pediatrics, 2015
Trimester specific PM2. 5 exposure and fetal growth in Ohio, 2007–2010
Z Percy, E DeFranco, F Xu, ES Hall, EN Haynes, D Jones, LJ Muglia, ...
Environmental research 171, 111-118, 2019
Estimating community-level costs of preterm birth
ES Hall, JM Greenberg
Public Health 141, 222-228, 2016
Designing and evaluating an automated system for real-time medication administration error detection in a neonatal intensive care unit
Y Ni, T Lingren, ES Hall, M Leonard, K Melton, ES Kirkendall
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 25 (5), 555-563, 2018
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Articles 1–20