Didier Rémy
Cited by
Cited by
A calculus of mobile agents
C Fournet, G Gonthier, JJ Lévy, L Maranget, D Rémy
CONCUR'96: Concurrency Theory: 7th International Conference Pisa, Italy …, 1996
The Objective Caml system release 3.10: Documentation and user's manual
X Leroy
http://caml. inria. fr/, 2007
Type checking records and variants in a natural extension of ML
D Rémy
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1989
The OCaml system release 5.1: Documentation and user's manual
X Leroy, D Doligez, A Frisch, J Garrigue, D Rémy, KC Sivaramakrishnan, ...
Inria, 2023
Objective ML: An effective object‐oriented extension to ML
D Rémy, J Vouillon
Theory and practice of object systems 4 (1), 27-50, 1998
The essence of ML type inference
F Pottier, D Rémy
Advanced topics in types and programming languages, 389-489, 2005
Dynamic typing in polymorphic languages
M Abadi, L Cardelli, B Pierce, D Rémy
Journal of functional programming 5 (1), 111-130, 1995
The Objective Caml System, release 3. 08
X Leroy, D Doligez, J Garrigue, D Rmy, J Vouillon
Type inference for records in natural extension of ML
D Rémy
Theoretical aspects of object-oriented programming: types, semantics, and …, 1994
The objective caml system
X Leroy, D Doligez, J Garrigue, D Rémy, J Vouillon
Software and documentation available at http://caml. inria. fr, 1996
MLF: raising ML to the power of System F
D Le Botlan, D Rémy
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 49 (4S), 52-63, 2014
Objective ML: A simple object-oriented extension of ML
D Rémy, J Vouillon
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1997
A generalization of exceptions and control in ML-like languages
CA Gunter, D Rémy, JG Riecke
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on functional …, 1995
Using, Understanding, and Unraveling the OCaml Language From Practice to Theory and Vice Versa
D Rémy
International Summer School on Applied Semantics, 413-536, 2000
Implicit typing à la ML for the join-calculus
C Fournet, L Maranget, C Laneve, D Rémy
CONCUR'97: Concurrency Theory: 8th International Conference Warsaw, Poland …, 1997
Programming objects with ML-ART an extension to ML with abstract and record types
D Rémy
International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, 321-346, 1994
Typing record concatenation for free
D Rémy
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1992
The Objective Caml system–Documentation and user’s manual
X Leroy, D Doligez, J Garrigue, D Rémy, J Vouillon
Extending ML type system with a sorted equational theory
D Rémy
Research Report 1766, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et …, 1992
The Objective Caml system, documentation and user’s manual (release 3.06)
X Leroy, D Doligez, J Garrigue, D Rémy, J Vouillon
INRIA, Rocquencourt, France, Tech. Rep 19, 2002
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Articles 1–20