juan antonio perez
juan antonio perez
Catedrático de Psicología Social
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The social psychology of minority influence
G Mugny, JA Perez
Cambridge University Press, 1991
Influences sociales: la théorie de l'élaboration du conflit
JA Pérez, G Mugny
Delachaux et Niestlé, 1993
Majority and minority influence, task representation and inductive reasoning
F Butera, G Mugny, P Legrenzi, JA Pérez
British Journal of Social Psychology 35 (1), 123-136, 1996
Paradoxical effects of categorization in minority influence: When being an outgroup is an advantage
JA Pérez, G Mugny
European Journal of Social Psychology 17 (2), 157-169, 1987
The conflict elaboration theory of social influence.
G Pérez, J.A. & Mugny
Uderstanding Group Behavior: Small Group Processess and Interpersonal …, 1996
La influencia social inconsciente: estudios de psicología social experimental
S Moscovici, G Mugny, JA Pérez
Anthropos Editorial, 1991
The social construction of knowledge: social marking and socio-cognitive conflict.
JA Doise, W., Mugny, G. & Pérez
The Psychology of the social., 77-90, 1998
Social representations of COVID-19 (Representaciones sociales del COVID-19)
D Páez, JA Pérez
International Journal of Social Psychology 35 (3), 600-610, 2020
The taboo against group contact: Hypothesis of Gypsy ontologization
JA Pérez, S Moscovici, B Chulvi
British Journal of Social Psychology 46 (2), 249-272, 2007
A study of minorities as victims
S Moscovici, JA Pérez
European Journal of Social Psychology 37 (4), 725-746, 2007
Natura y cultura como principios de clasificación social. Anclaje de representaciones sociales sobre minorías étnicas.
B Pérez, J.A., Moscovici, S. & Chulvi
Revista de Psicología Social 17 (1), 51-67, 2002
Judgements in conflict: The conflict elaboration theory of social influence
G Mugny, F Butera, M Sanchez Mazas, JA Pérez
Perception evaluation interpretation. Swiss monographs in psychology 3, 160-168, 1995
Las represenaciones sociales.
JA Pérez
Psicología social, cultura y educación., 2004
Representations of society and prejudices
S Moscovici, JA Perez
Papers on social representations 6, 27-36, 1997
The impact of number and spatial distribution of GCPs on the positional accuracy of geospatial products derived from low-cost UASs
JMG Rangel, GR Gonçalves, JA Pérez
International Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (21), 7154-7171, 2018
Intergroup relations, identification and social influence
G Mugny, C Kaiser, S Papastamou, JA Pérez
British Journal of Social Psychology 23 (4), 317-322, 1984
Minority influence, manifest discrimination and latent influence.
G Pérez, J.A. & Mugny
Social Identity Theory. Constructive and Critical Advances, 152-168, 1990
A extraordinária resistência das minorias à pressão das maiorias: o caso dos ciganos
S Moscovici, JA Pérez
Novos racismos: Perspectivas comparativas, 103-119, 1999
Le déni et la raison: psychologie de l'impact social des minorités
G Mugny, JA Pérez
Delval, 1986
Majority and minority influence in inductive reasoning: A preliminary study
P Legrenzi, F Butera, G Mugny, J Perez
European Journal of Social Psychology 21 (4), 359-363, 1991
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