Henning Ĝien
Henning Ĝien
Department of Health Economics, University of Oslo and Norwegian Institute of Public Health
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Underbemanning er selvforsterkende. Konsekvenser av mangel pċ sykepleiere i hjemmesykepleien og sykehjem
H GaUtUn, H Ĝien, C Bratt
Oslo Metropolitan University-OsloMet: NOVA, 2016
Cost-effectiveness of transitional care services after hospitalization with heart failure
MR Blum, H Ĝien, HL Carmichael, P Heidenreich, DK Owens, ...
Annals of internal medicine 172 (4), 248-257, 2020
Scandinavian long-term care financing
M Karlsson, T Iversen, H Ĝien
Financing long-term care in Europe: institutions, markets and models, 254-278, 2012
Gender bias in public long-term care? A survey experiment among care managers
N Jakobsson, A Kotsadam, A Syse, H Ĝien
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 131, 126-138, 2016
Utviklingen i kommunenes helse-og omsorgstjenester 1986-2010
TP Hagen, G Godager, T Iversen, H Ĝien, KN Amayu
Universitetet i Oslo-HERO, 2011
Careful in the crisis? Determinants of older people's informal care receipt in crisis‐struck European countries
J Costa‐Font, M Karlsson, H Ĝien
Health economics 25, 25-42, 2016
Formell og uformell omsorg. Samspillet mellom familien og velferdsstaten
T Berge, H Ĝien, LN Jakobsson
Oslo Metropolitan University-OsloMet: NOVA, 2014
The Impact of Financial Incentives on the Composition of Long‐term Care in Norway
H Ĝien, M Karlsson, T Iversen
Applied economic perspectives and policy 34 (2), 258-274, 2012
Variasjoner i kommunale tildelingsvurderinger av helse-og omsorgstjenster til eldre
A Syse, H Ĝien, MB Solheim, N Jakobsson
Fagbokforlaget, 2015
Preventive home visits
N Bannenberg, O Fĝrland, T Iversen, M Karlsson, H Ĝien
American Journal of Health Economics 7 (4), 457-496, 2021
Aging and health care costs
M Karlsson, T Iversen, H Ĝien
Oxford University Press, 2018
Group identities and parliamentary debates
JH Fiva, O Nedregċrd, H Ĝien
Work in progress, 2023
Underbemanning er selvforsterkende, Konsekvenser av mangel pċ sykepleiere i hjemmesykepleien og sykehjem (NOVA-rapport 6/16)
H Gautun, H Ĝien, C Bratt
Hentet fra: http://www. hioa. no/Om-HiOA/Senter-for …, 2016
Informal care and the great recession
J Costa-Font, M Karlsson, H Ĝien
Centre for Economic Performance, 2015
Would Small be More Beautiful in the South African Land Reform?
H Wiig, H Ĝien
Land Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa: Assessing Impacts on Poverty and …, 2013
Polarization in Parliamentary Speach
JH Fiva, O Nedregċrd, H Ĝien
CESifo Working Paper, 2021
Polarization in party-centered environments: evidence from parliamentary debates
JH Fiva, O Nedregċrd, H Ĝien
Work. Pap., https://www. jon. fiva. no/docs/FivaNedregardOien. pdf, 2022
The impact of community-based interventions for the older population: a quasi-experimental study of a hip-fracture prevention program in Norway
H Ĝien, N Jakobsson, C Bonander
BMC geriatrics 18, 1-9, 2018
Fastlegene i samhandlingsreformen
T Iversen, H Ĝien, A Schou
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning 2 (2), 107-116, 2016
Scandinavian LTC financing
M Karlsson, T Iversen, H Ĝien
HERO workingpaper 2, 2010
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Articles 1–20