Mario Miscuglio
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Cited by
A liver-on-a-chip platform with bioprinted hepatic spheroids
NS Bhise, V Manoharan, S Massa, A Tamayol, M Ghaderi, M Miscuglio, ...
Biofabrication 8 (1), 014101, 2016
Highly elastic and conductive human-based protein hybrid hydrogels
N Annabi, SR Shin, A Tamayol, MM Miscuglio, MM Afshar, A Assmann, ...
Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 28 (1), 40, 2016
Strain-engineered high-responsivity MoTe2 photodetector for silicon photonic integrated circuits
R Maiti, C Patil, M Saadi, T Xie, JG Azadani, B Uluutku, R Amin, AF Briggs, ...
Nature Photonics 14 (9), 578-584, 2020
All-optical nonlinear activation function for photonic neural networks
M Miscuglio, A Mehrabian, Z Hu, SI Azzam, J George, AV Kildishev, ...
Optical Materials Express 8 (12), 3851-3863, 2018
Photonic tensor cores for machine learning
M Miscuglio, VJ Sorger
Applied Physics Reviews 7 (3), 2020
Massively parallel amplitude-only Fourier neural network
M Miscuglio, Z Hu, S Li, JK George, R Capanna, H Dalir, PM Bardet, ...
Optica 7 (12), 1812-1819, 2020
Aligned carbon nanotube–based flexible gel substrates for engineering biohybrid tissue actuators
SR Shin, C Shin, A Memic, S Shadmehr, M Miscuglio, HY Jung, SM Jung, ...
Advanced functional materials 25 (28), 4486-4495, 2015
ITO-based electro-absorption modulator for photonic neural activation function
R Amin, JK George, S Sun, T Ferreira de Lima, AN Tait, JB Khurgin, ...
APL Materials 7 (8), 2019
Prospects and applications of photonic neural networks
C Huang, VJ Sorger, M Miscuglio, M Al-Qadasi, A Mukherjee, L Lampe, ...
Advances in Physics: X 7 (1), 1981155, 2022
Sub-wavelength GHz-fast broadband ITO Mach–Zehnder modulator on silicon photonics
R Amin, R Maiti, Y Gui, C Suer, M Miscuglio, E Heidari, RT Chen, H Dalir, ...
Optica 7 (4), 333-335, 2020
Nanoparticle-based hybrid scaffolds for deciphering the role of multimodal cues in cardiac tissue engineering
J Lee, V Manoharan, L Cheung, S Lee, BH Cha, P Newman, R Farzad, ...
ACS nano 13 (11), 12525-12539, 2019
Exploiting unique alignment of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles, mild hyperthermia, and controlled intrinsic cobalt toxicity for cancer therapy
PB Balakrishnan, N Silvestri, T Fernandez‐Cabada, F Marinaro, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (45), 2003712, 2020
Biomechanical strain exacerbates inflammation on a progeria‐on‐a‐chip model
J Ribas, YS Zhang, PR Pitrez, J Leijten, M Miscuglio, J Rouwkema, ...
small 13 (15), 1603737, 2017
Effects of graphene defects on gas sensing properties towards NO 2 detection
F Ricciardella, S Vollebregt, T Polichetti, M Miscuglio, B Alfano, ...
Nanoscale 9 (18), 6085-6093, 2017
Compact graphene plasmonic slot photodetector on silicon-on-insulator with high responsivity
Z Ma, K Kikunaga, H Wang, S Sun, R Amin, R Maiti, MH Tahersima, ...
ACS Photonics 7 (4), 932-940, 2020
Towards integrated metatronics: a holistic approach on precise optical and electrical properties of indium tin oxide
Y Gui, M Miscuglio, Z Ma, MH Tahersima, S Sun, R Amin, H Dalir, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-10, 2019
Analysis of microwave absorbing properties of epoxy MWCNT composites
P Savi, M Miscuglio, M Giorcelli, A Tagliaferro
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters 44, 63-69, 2014
Heterogeneously integrated ITO plasmonic Mach–Zehnder interferometric modulator on SOI
R Amin, R Maiti, Y Gui, C Suer, M Miscuglio, E Heidari, JB Khurgin, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 1287, 2021
Coupling-enhanced dual ITO layer electro-absorption modulator in silicon photonics
MH Tahersima, Z Ma, Y Gui, S Sun, H Wang, R Amin, H Dalir, R Chen, ...
Nanophotonics 8 (9), 1559-1566, 2019
A winograd-based integrated photonics accelerator for convolutional neural networks
A Mehrabian, M Miscuglio, Y Alkabani, VJ Sorger, T El-Ghazawi
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26 (1), 1-12, 2019
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Articles 1–20