David F. Larcker
David F. Larcker
James Irvin Miller Professor of Accounting, Stanford Graduate School of Business
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Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error
C Fornell, DF Larcker
Journal of marketing research 18 (1), 39-50, 1981
Corporate governance, chief executive officer compensation, and firm performance
JE Core, RW Holthausen, DF Larcker
Journal of financial economics 51 (3), 371-406, 1999
Two structural equation models: LISREL and PLS applied to consumer exit-voice theory
C Fornell, FL Bookstein
Journal of Marketing research 19 (4), 440-452, 1982
Are nonfinancial measures leading indicators of financial performance? An analysis of customer satisfaction
CD Ittner, DF Larcker
Journal of accounting research 36, 1-35, 1998
On the use of instrumental variables in accounting research
DF Larcker, TO Rusticus
Journal of accounting and economics 49 (3), 186-205, 2010
Innovations in performance measurement: Trends and research implications
CD Ittner, DF Larcker
Journal of management accounting research 10, 205, 1998
Corporate governance, accounting outcomes, and organizational performance
DF Larcker, SA Richardson, I Tuna
The accounting review 82 (4), 963-1008, 2007
Performance implications of strategic performance measurement in financial services firms
CD Ittner, DF Larcker, T Randall
Accounting, organizations and society 28 (7-8), 715-741, 2003
Assessing empirical research in managerial accounting: a value-based management perspective
CD Ittner, DF Larcker
Journal of accounting and economics 32 (1-3), 349-410, 2001
Annual bonus schemes and the manipulation of earnings
RW Holthausen, DF Larcker, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 19 (1), 29-74, 1995
How much should we trust staggered difference-in-differences estimates?
AC Baker, DF Larcker, CCY Wang
Journal of Financial Economics 144 (2), 370-395, 2022
Coming up short on nonfinancial performance measurement
CD Ittner, DF Larcker
Harvard business review 81 (11), 88-95, 2003
The choice of performance measures in annual bonus contracts
CD Ittner, DF Larcker, MV Rajan
Accounting Review, 231-255, 1997
An analysis of the use of accounting and market measures of performance in executive compensation contracts
RA Lambert, DF Larcker
Journal of Accounting research, 85-125, 1987
Corporate governance, incentives, and tax avoidance
CS Armstrong, JL Blouin, AD Jagolinzer, DF Larcker
Journal of accounting and Economics 60 (1), 1-17, 2015
Subjectivity and the weighting of performance measures: Evidence from a balanced scorecard
CD Ittner, DF Larcker, MW Meyer
The accounting review 78 (3), 725-758, 2003
The incentives for tax planning
CS Armstrong, JL Blouin, DF Larcker
Journal of accounting and economics 53 (1-2), 391-411, 2012
Fees paid to audit firms, accrual choices, and corporate governance
DF Larcker, SA Richardson
Journal of accounting research 42 (3), 625-658, 2004
Executive equity compensation and incentives: A survey
WR Guay, JE Core, DF Larcker
Available at SSRN 276425, 2002
Portfolio considerations in valuing executive compensation
RA Lambert, DF Larcker, RE Verrecchia
Journal of Accounting Research 29 (1), 129-149, 1991
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Articles 1–20