William P. King
William P. King
Ralph A. Andersen Endowed Chair, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of
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Cited by
Nanoscale thermal transport. II. 2003–2012
DG Cahill, PV Braun, G Chen, DR Clarke, S Fan, KE Goodson, ...
Applied physics reviews 1 (1), 2014
Nanoscale tunable reduction of graphene oxide for graphene electronics
Z Wei, D Wang, S Kim, SY Kim, Y Hu, MK Yakes, AR Laracuente, Z Dai, ...
Science 328 (5984), 1373-1376, 2010
High-power lithium ion microbatteries from interdigitated three-dimensional bicontinuous nanoporous electrodes
JH Pikul, H Gang Zhang, J Cho, PV Braun, WP King
Nature communications 4 (1), 1732, 2013
Rapid isothermal amplification and portable detection system for SARS-CoV-2
A Ganguli, A Mostafa, J Berger, MY Aydin, F Sun, SAS Ramirez, E Valera, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (37), 22727-22735, 2020
Nanoscale Joule heating, Peltier cooling and current crowding at graphene–metal contacts
KL Grosse, MH Bae, F Lian, E Pop, WP King
Nature nanotechnology 6 (5), 287-290, 2011
Performance analysis of near-field thermophotovoltaic devices considering absorption distribution
K Park, WP King
RADIATIVE TRANSFER-V. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on …, 2007
Friction characteristics of microtextured surfaces under mixed and hydrodynamic lubrication
A Ramesh, W Akram, SP Mishra, AH Cannon, AA Polycarpou, WP King
Tribology International 57, 170-176, 2013
3D printing of shape-conformable thermoelectric materials using all-inorganic Bi2Te3-based inks
F Kim, B Kwon, Y Eom, JE Lee, S Park, S Jo, SH Park, BS Kim, HJ Im, ...
Nature Energy 3 (4), 301-309, 2018
Myoblast alignment and differentiation on cell culture substrates with microscale topography and model chemistries
JL Charest, AJ García, WP King
Biomaterials 28 (13), 2202-2210, 2007
Electrical, thermal, and mechanical characterization of silicon microcantilever heaters
J Lee, T Beechem, TL Wright, BA Nelson, S Graham, WP King
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 15 (6), 1644-1655, 2006
Combined microscale mechanical topography and chemical patterns on polymer cell culture substrates
JL Charest, MT Eliason, AJ García, WP King
Biomaterials 27 (11), 2487-2494, 2006
Impact of polymer film thickness and cavity size on polymer flow during embossing: toward process design rules for nanoimprint lithography
HD Rowland, AC Sun, PR Schunk, WP King
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 15 (12), 2414, 2005
High power rechargeable batteries
PV Braun, J Cho, JH Pikul, WP King, H Zhang
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 16 (4), 186-198, 2012
Atomic force microscope cantilevers for combined thermomechanical data writing and reading
WP King, TW Kenny, KE Goodson, G Cross, M Despont, U Dürig, ...
Applied Physics Letters 78 (9), 1300-1302, 2001
Holographic patterning of high-performance on-chip 3D lithium-ion microbatteries
H Ning, JH Pikul, R Zhang, X Li, S Xu, J Wang, JA Rogers, WP King, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (21), 6573-6578, 2015
Using nanoscale thermocapillary flows to create arrays of purely semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes
SH Jin, SN Dunham, J Song, X Xie, JH Kim, C Lu, A Islam, F Du, J Kim, ...
Nature nanotechnology 8 (5), 347-355, 2013
Nanoscale deposition of solid inks via thermal dip pen nanolithography
PE Sheehan, LJ Whitman, WP King, BA Nelson
Applied physics letters 85 (9), 1589-1591, 2004
Nanoscale Microscale Thermophys
L Shi, C Dames, JR Lukes, P Reddy, J Duda, DG Cahill, J Lee, ...
Eng 16 (79), 10.1080, 2012
High-speed, sub-15 nm feature size thermochemical nanolithography
R Szoszkiewicz, T Okada, SC Jones, TD Li, WP King, SR Marder, E Riedo
Nano letters 7 (4), 1064-1069, 2007
Water droplet impact on elastic superhydrophobic surfaces
PB Weisensee, J Tian, N Miljkovic, WP King
Scientific reports 6 (1), 30328, 2016
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Articles 1–20