Abdul Qayyum
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Cited by
A deep learning model based on concatenation approach for the diagnosis of brain tumor
N Noreen, S Palaniappan, A Qayyum, I Ahmad, M Imran, M Shoaib
IEEE access 8, 55135-55144, 2020
A deep learning framework for automatic diagnosis of unipolar depression
W Mumtaz, A Qayyum
International journal of medical informatics 132, 103983, 2019
Fast and low-GPU-memory abdomen CT organ segmentation: the flare challenge
J Ma, Y Zhang, S Gu, X An, Z Wang, C Ge, C Wang, F Zhang, Y Wang, ...
Medical Image Analysis 82, 102616, 2022
CNN-LSTM: Cascaded framework for brain tumour classification
I Shahzadi, TB Tang, F Meriadeau, A Quyyum
2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES …, 2018
A novel method for COVID-19 diagnosis using artificial intelligence in chest X-ray images
YE Almalki, A Qayyum, M Irfan, N Haider, A Glowacz, FM Alshehri, ...
Healthcare 9 (5), 522, 2021
Brain Tumor Classification Based on Fine-Tuned Models and the Ensemble Method
Neelum Noreen, Sellapan Palaniappan , Abdul Qayyum , Iftikhar Ahmad and ...
Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
Emidec: a database usable for the automatic evaluation of myocardial infarction from delayed-enhancement cardiac MRI
A Lalande, Z Chen, T Decourselle, A Qayyum, T Pommier, L Lorgis, ...
Data 5 (4), 89, 2020
Automatic segmentation of tumors and affected organs in the abdomen using a 3D hybrid model for computed tomography imaging
A Qayyum, A Lalande, F Meriaudeau
Computers in Biology and Medicine 127, 104097, 2020
Scene classification for aerial images based on CNN using sparse coding technique
A Qayyum, AS Malik, NM Saad, M Iqbal, M Faris Abdullah, W Rasheed, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (8-10), 2662-2685, 2017
Airogs: Artificial intelligence for robust glaucoma screening challenge
C De Vente, KA Vermeer, N Jaccard, H Wang, H Sun, F Khader, D Truhn, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 43 (1), 542-557, 2023
Deep learning methods for automatic evaluation of delayed enhancement-MRI. The results of the EMIDEC challenge
A Lalande, Z Chen, T Pommier, T Decourselle, A Qayyum, M Salomon, ...
Medical Image Analysis 79, 102428, 2022
Segmentation of liver tumor in CT scan using ResU-Net
MW Sabir, Z Khan, NM Saad, DM Khan, MA Al-Khasawneh, K Perveen, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (17), 8650, 2022
Depth-wise dense neural network for automatic COVID19 infection detection and diagnosis
A Qayyum, I Razzak, M Tanveer, A Kumar
Annals of operations research, 1-21, 2021
Automatic deep learning-based myocardial infarction segmentation from delayed enhancement MRI
Z Chen, A Lalande, M Salomon, T Decourselle, T Pommier, A Qayyum, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 95, 102014, 2022
Multi-site, multi-domain airway tree modeling
M Zhang, Y Wu, H Zhang, Y Qin, H Zheng, W Tang, C Arnold, C Pei, P Yu, ...
Medical Image Analysis 90, 102957, 2023
Classification of atrial fibrillation with pre-trained convolutional neural network models
A Qayyum, F Meriaudeau, GCY Chan
2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES …, 2018
Fetal brain tissue annotation and segmentation challenge results
K Payette, HB Li, P de Dumast, R Licandro, H Ji, MMR Siddiquee, D Xu, ...
Medical image analysis 88, 102833, 2023
Semi-supervised 3D-InceptionNet for segmentation and survival prediction of head and neck primary cancers
A Qayyum, M Mazher, T Khan, I Razzak
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 117, 105590, 2023
Biomedical image analysis competitions: The state of current participation practice
M Eisenmann, A Reinke, V Weru, MD Tizabi, F Isensee, TJ Adler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.08568, 2022
Classification of eeg learning and resting states using 1d-convolutional neural network for cognitive load assesment
A Qayyum, MKAA Khan, M Mazher, M Suresh
2018 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 1-5, 2018
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Articles 1–20