Dr Petar Milojev
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Cited by
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown on trust, attitudes toward government, and well-being.
CG Sibley, LM Greaves, N Satherley, MS Wilson, NC Overall, CHJ Lee, ...
American psychologist 75 (5), 618, 2020
Socio-structural and psychological foundations of climate change beliefs
TL Milfont, P Milojev, LM Greaves, CG Sibley
New Zealand Journal of Psychology (Online) 44 (1), 17, 2015
Benevolent sexism and hostile sexism across the ages
MD Hammond, P Milojev, Y Huang, CG Sibley
Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (7), 863-874, 2018
Facebook is linked to body dissatisfaction: Comparing users and non-users
S Stronge, LM Greaves, P Milojev, T West-Newman, FK Barlow, ...
Sex Roles 73, 200-213, 2015
Values stability and change in adulthood: A 3-year longitudinal study of rank-order stability and mean-level differences
TL Milfont, P Milojev, CG Sibley
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42 (5), 572-588, 2016
Authoritarianism and national identity: Examining the longitudinal effects of SDO and RWA on nationalism and patriotism
D Osborne, P Milojev, CG Sibley
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43 (8), 1086-1099, 2017
Ten-year panel data confirm generation gap but climate beliefs increase at similar rates across ages
TL Milfont, E Zubielevitch, P Milojev, CG Sibley
Nature communications 12 (1), 4038, 2021
Demographic and psychological predictors of panel attrition: Evidence from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study
N Satherley, P Milojev, LM Greaves, Y Huang, D Osborne, J Bulbulia, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0121950, 2015
The influence of impact-based severe weather warnings on risk perceptions and intended protective actions
SH Potter, PV Kreft, P Milojev, C Noble, B Montz, A Dhellemmes, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 30, 34-43, 2018
Normative personality trait development in adulthood: A 6-year cohort-sequential growth model.
P Milojev, CG Sibley
Journal of personality and social psychology 112 (3), 510, 2017
Right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation predict different moral signatures
P Milojev, D Osborne, LM Greaves, J Bulbulia, MS Wilson, CL Davies, ...
Social Justice Research 27, 149-174, 2014
The diversity and prevalence of sexual orientation self-labels in a New Zealand national sample
LM Greaves, FK Barlow, CHJ Lee, CM Matika, W Wang, CJ Lindsay, ...
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 1325-1336, 2017
The Mini-IPIP6: Tiny yet highly stable markers of Big Six personality
P Milojev, D Osborne, LM Greaves, FK Barlow, CG Sibley
Journal of Research in Personality 47 (6), 936-944, 2013
The stability of adult personality varies across age: Evidence from a two-year longitudinal sample of adult New Zealanders
P Milojev, CG Sibley
Journal of Research in Personality 51, 29-37, 2014
The global trust inventory as a “proxy measure” for social capital: Measurement and impact in 11 democratic societies
JH Liu, P Milojev, H Gil de Zúñiga, RJ Zhang
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 49 (5), 789-810, 2018
Why do we hold mixed emotions about racial out-groups? A case for affect matching
FK Barlow, MJ Hornsey, LE Hayward, CA Houkamau, J Kang, P Milojev, ...
Psychological Science 30 (6), 917-929, 2019
Personality resilience following a natural disaster
P Milojev, D Osborne, CG Sibley
Social Psychological and Personality Science 5 (7), 760-768, 2014
Body image across the adult lifespan: A longitudinal investigation of developmental and cohort effects
A Hockey, P Milojev, CG Sibley, CL Donovan, FK Barlow
Body Image 39, 114-124, 2021
The facebook feedback hypothesis of personality and social belonging.
S Stronge, D Osborne, T West-Newman, P Milojev, LM Greaves, ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 44 (2), 2015
Examining the indirect effects of religious orientations on well‐being through personal locus of control
D Osborne, P Milojev, CG Sibley
European Journal of Social Psychology 46 (4), 492-505, 2016
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Articles 1–20