Jihun Oh
Cited by
Cited by
An 18.2%-efficient black-silicon solar cell achieved through control of carrier recombination in nanostructures
J Oh, HC Yuan, HM Branz
Nature nanotechnology 7 (11), 743-748, 2012
Modulating local CO2 concentration as a general strategy for enhancing C− C coupling in CO2 electroreduction
YC Tan, KB Lee, H Song, J Oh
Joule 4 (5), 1104-1120, 2020
Tuning of vertically-aligned carbon nanotube diameter and areal density through catalyst pre-treatment
GD Nessim, AJ Hart, JS Kim, D Acquaviva, J Oh, CD Morgan, M Seita, ...
Nano letters 8 (11), 3587-3593, 2008
Nanoporous black silicon photocathode for H 2 production by photoelectrochemical water splitting
J Oh, TG Deutsch, HC Yuan, HM Branz
Energy & Environmental Science 4 (5), 1690-1694, 2011
The role of electric field in pore formation during aluminum anodization
J Oh, CV Thompson
Electrochimica Acta 56 (11), 4044-4051, 2011
Black silicon photovoltaics
M Otto, M Algasinger, H Branz, B Gesemann, T Gimpel, K Füchsel, ...
Advanced optical materials 3 (2), 147-164, 2015
Nanoporous Au Thin Films on Si Photoelectrodes for Selective and Efficient Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction
JT Song, H Ryoo, M Cho, J Kim, JG Kim, SY Chung, J Oh
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (3), 1601103, 2017
Quasi-graphitic carbon shell-induced Cu confinement promotes electrocatalytic CO2 reduction toward C2+ products
JY Kim, D Hong, JC Lee, HG Kim, S Lee, S Shin, B Kim, H Lee, M Kim, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 3765, 2021
Hierarchically porous Au nanostructures with interconnected channels for efficient mass transport in electrocatalytic CO2 reduction
G Hyun, JT Song, C Ahn, Y Ham, D Cho, J Oh, S Jeon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (11), 5680-5685, 2020
Over a 15.9% Solar-to-CO Conversion from Dilute CO2 Streams Catalyzed by Gold Nanoclusters Exhibiting a High CO2 Binding Affinity
B Kim, H Seong, JT Song, K Kwak, H Song, YC Tan, G Park, D Lee, J Oh
ACS Energy Letters 5 (3), 749-757, 2019
The Role of Adsorbed CN and Cl on an Au Electrode for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
M Cho, JT Song, S Back, Y Jung, J Oh
ACS catalysis 8 (2), 1178-1185, 2018
Towards Higher Rate Electrochemical CO2 Conversion: From Liquid-Phase to Gas-Phase Systems
JT Song, H Song, B Kim, J Oh
Catalysts 9 (3), 224, 2019
Rational Design of Efficient Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction: Single Layers of WS2 Nanoplates Anchored to Hollow Nitrogen-Doped Carbon …
S Yu, J Kim, KR Yoon, JW Jung, J Oh, ID Kim
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (51), 28116-28121, 2015
Tailored NiOx/Ni Cocatalysts on Silicon for Highly Efficient Water Splitting Photoanodes via Pulsed Electrodeposition
SA Lee, TH Lee, C Kim, MG Lee, MJ Choi, H Park, S Choi, J Oh, HW Jang
ACS Catalysis 8 (8), 7261-7269, 2018
Fabrication of silicon nanopillar-based nanocapacitor arrays
S Chang, J Oh, ST Boles, CV Thompson
Applied Physics Letters 96 (15), 2010
Oxidatively stable nanoporous silicon photocathodes with enhanced onset voltage for photoelectrochemical proton reduction
Y Zhao, NC Anderson, K Zhu, JA Aguiar, JA Seabold, J Lagemaat, ...
Nano letters 15 (4), 2517-2525, 2015
Improving the open‐circuit voltage of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin film solar cells via interface passivation
J Kim, S Park, S Ryu, J Oh, B Shin
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 25 (4), 308-317, 2017
Atomic layer deposited molybdenum disulfide on Si photocathodes for highly efficient photoelectrochemical water reduction reaction
S Oh, JB Kim, JT Song, J Oh, SH Kim
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (7), 3304-3310, 2017
Formation of two-dimensional homologous faults and oxygen electrocatalytic activities in a perovskite nickelate
J Bak, HB Bae, J Kim, J Oh, SY Chung
Nano letters 17 (5), 3126-3132, 2017
Effect of mass transfer and kinetics in ordered Cu-mesostructures for electrochemical CO2 reduction
H Song, M Im, JT Song, JA Lim, BS Kim, Y Kwon, S Ryu, J Oh
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 232, 391-396, 2018
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Articles 1–20