Doug Saddy
Doug Saddy
Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics, University of Reading
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Distinct neurophysiological patterns reflecting aspects of syntactic complexity and syntactic repair
AD Friederici, A Hahne, D Saddy
Journal of psycholinguistic research 31, 45-63, 2002
The effects of bilingualism on the white matter structure of the brain
C Pliatsikas, E Moschopoulou, JD Saddy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (5), 1334-1337, 2015
The P600 as an indicator of syntactic ambiguity
S Frisch, M Schlesewsky, D Saddy, A Alpermann
Cognition 85 (3), B83-B92, 2002
The human thalamus processes syntactic and semantic language violations
M Wahl, F Marzinzik, AD Friederici, A Hahne, A Kupsch, GH Schneider, ...
Neuron 59 (5), 695-707, 2008
Wh-scope mechanisms in Bahasa Indonesia
D Saddy
MIT working papers in linguistics 15, 183-218, 1991
Immersive bilingualism reshapes the core of the brain
C Pliatsikas, V DeLuca, E Moschopoulou, JD Saddy
Brain Structure and Function 222 (4), 1785-1795, 2017
Processing negative polarity items: When negation comes through the backdoor
H Drenhaus, D Saddy, S Frisch
Linguistic evidence: Empirical, theoretical, and computational perspectives …, 2005
Parsing the passive: Comparing children with specific language impairment to sequential bilingual children
T Marinis, D Saddy
Language Acquisition 20 (2), 155-179, 2013
Story arrangement ability in right brain-damaged patients
EI Schneiderman, KG Murasugi, JD Saddy
Brain and Language 43 (1), 107-120, 1992
Symbolic dynamics of event-related brain potentials
P beim Graben, JD Saddy, M Schlesewsky, J Kurths
Physical Review E 62 (4), 5518, 2000
Processing polarity items: Contrastive licensing costs
D Saddy, H Drenhaus, S Frisch
Brain and language 90 (1-3), 495-502, 2004
A linguistic deficit resulting from right-hemisphere damage
EI Schneiderman, JD Saddy
Brain and Language 34 (1), 38-53, 1988
Diagnosis and repair of negative polarity constructions in the light of symbolic resonance analysis
H Drenhaus, P Beim Graben, D Saddy, S Frisch
Brain and language 96 (3), 255-268, 2006
Variables and events in the syntax of agrammatic speech
JD Saddy
Brain and Language 50 (2), 135-150, 1995
Maternal weaning modulates emotional behavior and regulates the gut-brain axis
P Farshim, G Walton, B Chakrabarti, I Givens, D Saddy, I Kitchen, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 21958, 2016
Language processing with dynamic fields
P Beim Graben, D Pinotsis, D Saddy, R Potthast
Cognitive Neurodynamics 2, 79-88, 2008
Sensitivity to inflectional morphemes in the absence of meaning: evidence from a novel task
L Cilibrasi, V Stojanovik, P Riddell, D Saddy
Journal of psycholinguistic research 48, 747-767, 2019
Evaluation of empirical mode decomposition for event-related potential analysis
N Williams, SJ Nasuto, JD Saddy
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2011, 1-11, 2011
Implicit learning, bilingualism, and dyslexia: Insights from a study assessing AGL with a modified Simon Task
M Vender, DG Krivochen, B Phillips, D Saddy, D Delfitto
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1647, 2019
16 Syntax and Uncertainty
D Saddy
Language, syntax, and the natural sciences, 316, 2018
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Articles 1–20