Kirill Fayn
Kirill Fayn
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
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Openness to experience and awe in response to nature and music: personality and profound aesthetic experiences.
PJ Silvia, K Fayn, EC Nusbaum, RE Beaty
Psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts 9 (4), 376, 2015
Aesthetic emotions and aesthetic people: Openness predicts sensitivity to novelty in the experiences of interest and pleasure
K Fayn, C MacCann, N Tiliopoulos, PJ Silvia
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1877, 2015
What does feeling like crying when listening to music feel like?
KN Cotter, PJ Silvia, K Fayn
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 12 (2), 216, 2018
Nuanced aesthetic emotions: Emotion differentiation is related to knowledge of the arts and curiosity
K Fayn, PJ Silvia, Y Erbas, N Tiliopoulos, P Kuppens
Cognition and Emotion 32 (3), 593-599, 2018
Interested in different things or in different ways?
K Fayn, PJ Silvia, C MacCann, N Tiliopoulos
Journal of Individual Differences, 2017
Confused or curious? Openness/intellect predicts more positive interest-confusion relations.
K Fayn, PJ Silvia, E Dejonckheere, S Verdonck, P Kuppens
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 117 (5), 1016, 2019
Building habit strength: A pilot intervention designed to improve food-safety behavior
B Mullan, V Allom, K Fayn, I Johnston
Food Research International 66, 274-278, 2014
Individual differences in conflicting stimulus evaluations: Openness/intellect predicts mixed-valenced appraisals of visual art
KA Barford, K Fayn, PJ Silvia, LD Smillie
Journal of Research in Personality 73, 46-55, 2018
Emotional intelligence relates to emotions, emotion dynamics, and emotion complexity: A meta-analysis and experience sampling study.
C MacCann, Y Erbas, E Dejonckheere, A Minbashian, P Kuppens, K Fayn
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 36 (3), 460, 2020
Interest in truth versus beauty: Intellect and Openness reflect different pathways towards interest
K Fayn, N Tiliopoulos, C MacCann
Personality and Individual Differences 81, 47-52, 2015
The voluntary control of piloerection
JAJ Heathers, K Fayn, PJ Silvia, N Tiliopoulos, MS Goodwin
PeerJ 6, e5292, 2018
Measuring child and adolescent emotional lability: How do questionnaire‐based ratings relate to experienced and observed emotion in everyday life and experimental settings?
D Van Liefferinge, E Sonuga‐Barke, M Danckaerts, K Fayn, N Van Broeck, ...
International journal of methods in psychiatric research 27 (3), e1720, 2018
States, people, and contexts: three psychological challenges for the neuroscience of aesthetics
K Fayn, PJ Silvia
Art, aesthetics and the brain, 40-56, 2015
Full throttle: Demonstrating the speed, accuracy, and validity of a new method for continuous two-dimensional self-report and annotation
K Fayn, S Willemsen, R Muralikrishnan, B Castaño Manias, ...
Behavior research methods, 1-15, 2022
Does openness/intellect predict sensitivity to the reward value of information?
LD Smillie, D Bennett, NP Tan, K Sutcliffe, K Fayn, S Bode, J Wacker
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 21 (5), 993-1009, 2021
Individual differences in embracing negatively valenced art: The roles of openness and sensation seeking
K Fayn, P Kuppens
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, 2017
The internal consistency reliability of the Katz-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Judaism among Australian Jews
P Lumbroso, K Fayn, N Tiliopoulos, LJ Francis
Religions 7 (10), 123, 2016
The dancer personality: Comparing dancers and non-dancers in Germany and Sweden
JF Christensen, LW Wesseldijk, MA Mosing, K Fayn, EM Schmidt, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 222, 112603, 2024
Who likes complex films? Personality and preferences for narrative complexity
S Willemsen, K Bálint, F Hakemulder, M Kiss, E Konijn, K Fayn
Puzzling Stories: The Aesthetic Appeal of Cognitive Challenge in Film …, 2022
Openness as a moderator of emotion-appraisal and interest-fascination relationships in the context of art appreciation
K Fayn, N Tiliopoulos, P Silvia
Personality and Individual Differences 60, S37-S38, 2014
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Articles 1–20