George Shu Heng Pau
George Shu Heng Pau
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High-resolution simulation and characterization of density-driven flow in CO2 storage in saline aquifers
GSH Pau, JB Bell, K Pruess, AS Almgren, MJ Lijewski, K Zhang
Advances in Water Resources 33 (4), 443-455, 2010
A general, multipurpose interpolation procedure: the magic points
Y Maday, NC Nguyen, AT Patera, GSH Pau
Minimizing vibration response of cylindrical shells through layout optimization of passive constrained layer damping treatments
H Zheng, C Cai, GSH Pau, GR Liu
Journal of sound and vibration 279 (3-5), 739-756, 2005
TOUGH3: A new efficient version of the TOUGH suite of multiphase flow and transport simulators
Y Jung, GSH Pau, S Finsterle, RM Pollyea
Computers & Geosciences 108, 2-7, 2017
An adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for compressible two-phase flow in porous media
GSH Pau, JB Bell, AS Almgren, KM Fagnan, MJ Lijewski
Computational Geosciences 16, 577-592, 2012
A comparative study on optimization of constrained layer damping treatment for structural vibration control
H Zheng, GSH Pau, YY Wang
Thin-Walled Structures 44 (8), 886-896, 2006
Observation of multiple, identical binding sites in the exchange of carboxylic acid ligands with CdS nanocrystals.
X Li, VM Nichols, D Zhou, C Lim, GSH Pau, CJ Bardeen, ML Tang
Nano letters 14 (6), 3382-3387, 2014
TOUGH3 user’s guide
Y Jung, GSH Pau, S Finsterle, C Doughty
University of California, Berkeley 31, 2018
On the efficacy of anthracene isomers for triplet transmission from CdSe nanocrystals
P Xia, Z Huang, X Li, JJ Romero, VI Vullev, GSH Pau, ML Tang
Chemical Communications 53 (7), 1241-1244, 2017
International land model benchmarking (ILAMB) 2016 Workshop Report
FM Hoffman, CD Koven, G Keppel-Aleks, DM Lawrence, WJ Riley, ...
US Department of Energy, Office of Science 10 (1330803), 10.2172, 2017
iTOUGH2: A multiphysics simulation-optimization framework for analyzing subsurface systems
S Finsterle, M Commer, JK Edmiston, Y Jung, MB Kowalsky, GSH Pau, ...
Computers & Geosciences 108, 8-20, 2017
A parallel second-order adaptive mesh algorithm for incompressible flow in porous media
GSH Pau, AS Almgren, JB Bell, MJ Lijewski
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2009
Feasibility and competitiveness of a reduced basis approach for rapid electronic structure calculations in quantum chemistry
E Cances, C Le Bris, NC Nguyen, Y Maday, AT Patera, GSH Pau
Proceedings of the workshop for high-dimensional partial differential …, 2007
A high-performance workflow system for subsurface simulation
VL Freedman, X Chen, S Finsterle, MD Freshley, I Gorton, LJ Gosink, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 55, 176-189, 2014
Iterative importance sampling algorithms for parameter estimation
M Morzfeld, MS Day, RW Grout, GS Heng Pau, SA Finsterle, JB Bell
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (2), B329-B352, 2018
A reduced-order modeling approach to represent subgrid-scale hydrological dynamics for land-surface simulations: application in a polygonal tundra landscape
GSH Pau, G Bisht, WJ Riley
Geoscientific Model Development 7 (5), 2091-2105, 2014
Accurate and efficient prediction of fine‐resolution hydrologic and carbon dynamic simulations from coarse‐resolution models
GSH Pau, C Shen, WJ Riley, Y Liu
Water Resources Research 52 (2), 791-812, 2016
Reduced order models for many-query subsurface flow applications
GSH Pau, Y Zhang, S Finsterle
Computational Geosciences 17, 705-721, 2013
Reduced-basis method for band structure calculations
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (4 …, 2007
Reduced basis method for quantum models of crystalline solids
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007
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Articles 1–20