Jesús Carrera
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Cited by
Estimation of aquifer parameters under transient and steady state conditions: 1. Maximum likelihood method incorporating prior information
J Carrera, SP Neuman
Water Resources Research 22 (2), 199-210, 1986
Numerical formulation for a simulator (CODE_BRIGHT) for the coupled analysis of saline media
S Olivella, A Gens, J Carrera, EE Alonso
Engineering computations 13 (7), 87-112, 1996
Estimation of aquifer parameters under transient and steady state conditions: 2. Uniqueness, stability, and solution algorithms
J Carrera, SP Neuman
Water Resources Research 22 (2), 211-227, 1986
Nonisothermal multiphase flow of brine and gas through saline media
S Olivella, J Carrera, A Gens, EE Alonso
Transport in porous media 15, 271-293, 1994
Inverse problem in hydrogeology
J Carrera, A Alcolea, A Medina, J Hidalgo, LJ Slooten
Hydrogeology journal 13, 206-222, 2005
Occurrence of 95 pharmaceuticals and transformation products in urban groundwaters underlying the metropolis of Barcelona, Spain
R López-Serna, A Jurado, E Vázquez-Suńé, J Carrera, M Petrović, ...
Environmental Pollution 174, 305-315, 2013
Emerging organic contaminants in groundwater in Spain: a review of sources, recent occurrence and fate in a European context
A Jurado, E Vŕzquez-Suńé, J Carrera, ML de Alda, E Pujades, D Barceló
Science of the total environment 440, 82-94, 2012
On matrix diffusion: formulations, solution methods and qualitative effects
J Carrera, X Sánchez-Vila, I Benet, A Medina, G Galarza, J Guimerŕ
Hydrogeology Journal 6, 178-190, 1998
Estimation of aquifer parameters under transient and steady state conditions: 3. Application to synthetic and field data
J Carrera, SP Neuman
Water Resources Research 22 (2), 228-242, 1986
A comparison of seven geostatistically based inverse approaches to estimate transmissivities for modeling advective transport by groundwater flow
DA Zimmerman, G De Marsily, CA Gotway, MG Marietta, CL Axness, ...
Water Resources Research 34 (6), 1373-1413, 1998
Representative hydraulic conductivities in saturated groundwater flow
X Sanchez‐Vila, A Guadagnini, J Carrera
Reviews of Geophysics 44 (3), 2006
On the relationship between indicators of geostatistical, flow and transport connectivity
C Knudby, J Carrera
Advances in Water Resources 28 (4), 405-421, 2005
An evaluation of Jacob's method for the interpretation of pumping tests in heterogeneous formations
PM Meier, J Carrera, X Sánchez‐Vila
Water Resources Research 34 (5), 1011-1025, 1998
Introductory review of specific factors influencing urban groundwater, an emerging branch of hydrogeology, with reference to Barcelona, Spain
E Vázquez-Suńé, X Sánchez-Vila, J Carrera
Hydrogeology Journal 13, 522-533, 2005
Scale effects in transmissivity
X Sánchez-Vila, J Carrera, JP Girardi
Journal of Hydrology 183 (1-2), 1-22, 1996
A mathematical formulation for reactive transport that eliminates mineral concentrations
MW Saaltink, C Ayora, J Carrera
Water resources research 34 (7), 1649-1656, 1998
Anisotropic dispersive Henry problem
E Abarca, J Carrera, X Sánchez-Vila, M Dentz
Advances in Water Resources 30 (4), 913-926, 2007
HESS Opinions" More efforts and scientific rigour are needed to attribute trends in flood time series"
B Merz, S Vorogushyn, S Uhlemann, J Delgado, Y Hundecha
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (5), 1379-1387, 2012
Geoestadística: Aplicaciones a la hidrogeología subterránea
FJS Calvete, JC Ramírez
Centro Internacional de métodos numéricos en ingeniería, 1996
State of the art of the inverse problem applied to the flow and solute transport equations
J Carrera
Groundwater flow and quality modelling, 549-583, 1988
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Articles 1–20