Bryan Van Scoy
Cited by
Cited by
Tutorial on dynamic average consensus: The problem, its applications, and the algorithms
SS Kia, B Van Scoy, J Cortes, RA Freeman, KM Lynch, S Martinez
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 39 (3), 40-72, 2019
The fastest known globally convergent first-order method for minimizing strongly convex functions
B Van Scoy, RA Freeman, KM Lynch
IEEE Control Systems Letters 2 (1), 49-54, 2017
A robust accelerated optimization algorithm for strongly convex functions
S Cyrus, B Hu, B Van Scoy, L Lessard
American Control Conference (ACC), 1376-1381, 2018
Lyapunov functions for first-order methods: Tight automated convergence guarantees
A Taylor, B Van Scoy, L Lessard
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 80, 4897--4906, 2018
Analysis and design of first-order distributed optimization algorithms over time-varying graphs
A Sundararajan, B Van Scoy, L Lessard
arXiv:1907.05448, 2019
A canonical form for first-order distributed optimization algorithms
A Sundararajan, B Van Scoy, L Lessard
American Control Conference (ACC), 4075-4080, 2019
A fast robust nonlinear dynamic average consensus estimator in discrete time
B Van Scoy, RA Freeman, KM Lynch
IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems 48 …, 2015
Design of robust dynamic average consensus estimators
B Van Scoy, RA Freeman, KM Lynch
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6269-6275, 2015
A distributed optimization algorithm over time-varying graphs with efficient gradient evaluations
B Van Scoy, L Lessard, 2019
Feedforward estimators for the distributed average tracking of bandlimited signals in discrete time with switching graph topology
B Van Scoy, RA Freeman, KM Lynch
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4284-4289, 2016
Optimal worst-case dynamic average consensus
B Van Scoy, RA Freeman, KM Lynch
American Control Conference (ACC), 5324-5329, 2015
The speed-robustness trade-off for first-order methods with additive gradient noise
B Van Scoy, L Lessard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.05059, 2021
A universal decomposition for distributed optimization algorithms
B Van Scoy, L Lessard
IEEE Control Systems Letters 6, 3044-3049, 2022
Exploiting memory in dynamic average consensus
B Van Scoy, RA Freeman, KM Lynch
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 258-265, 2015
Asymptotic mean ergodicity of average consensus estimators
B Van Scoy, RA Freeman, KM Lynch
American Control Conference, 4696-4701, 2014
A tutorial on a Lyapunov-based approach to the analysis of iterative optimization algorithms
B Van Scoy, L Lessard
2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3003-3008, 2023
Systematic analysis of distributed optimization algorithms over jointly-connected networks
B Van Scoy, L Lessard
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3096-3101, 2020
Integral quadratic constraints: Exact convergence rates and worst-case trajectories
B Van Scoy, L Lessard
arXiv:1903.07668, 2019
Absolute stability via lifting and interpolation
B Van Scoy, L Lessard
2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6217-6223, 2022
Automated Lyapunov Analysis of Primal-Dual Optimization Algorithms: An Interpolation Approach
B Van Scoy, JW Simpson-Porco, L Lessard
2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1306-1311, 2023
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Articles 1–20