Dongxiao Zhang
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Cited by
Stochastic methods for flow in porous media: coping with uncertainties, Academic Press
D Zhang
Efficient Ensemble-Based Closed-Loop Production Optimization
Y Chen, DS Oliver, D Zhang
SPE Journal 14 (4), 634-645, 2009
An efficient, high-order perturbation approach for flow in random porous media via Karhunen–Loeve and polynomial expansions
D Zhang, Z Lu
Journal of Computational Physics 194 (2), 773-794, 2004
Data assimilation for transient flow in geologic formations via ensemble Kalman filter
Y Chen, D Zhang
Advances in Water Resources 29 (8), 1107-1122, 2006
Lattice Boltzmann pore‐scale model for multicomponent reactive transport in porous media
Q Kang, PC Lichtner, D Zhang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B5), 2006
Pore scale study of flow in porous media: Scale dependency, REV, and statistical REV
D Zhang, R Zhang, S Chen, WE Soll
Geophysical research letters 27 (8), 1195-1198, 2000
Comprehensive review of caprock-sealing mechanisms for geologic carbon sequestration
J Song, D Zhang
Environmental science & technology 47 (1), 9-22, 2013
Displacement of a two-dimensional immiscible droplet in a channel
Q Kang, D Zhang, S Chen
Physics of fluids 14 (9), 3203-3214, 2002
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of chemical dissolution in porous media
Q Kang, D Zhang, S Chen, X He
Physical Review E 65 (3), 036318, 2002
Probabilistic collocation method for flow in porous media: Comparisons with other stochastic methods
H Li, D Zhang
Water Resources Research 43 (9), 2007
Convective stability analysis of the long-term storage of carbon dioxide in deep saline aquifers
X Xu, S Chen, D Zhang
Advances in water resources 29 (3), 397-407, 2006
Mechanisms for geological carbon sequestration
D Zhang, J Song
Procedia IUTAm 10, 319-327, 2014
Synthetic well logs generation via Recurrent Neural Networks
D Zhang, C Yuntian, M Jin
Petroleum Exploration and Development 45 (4), 629-639, 2018
An improved lattice Boltzmann model for multicomponent reactive transport in porous media at the pore scale
Q Kang, PC Lichtner, D Zhang
Water Resources Research 43 (12), 2007
Deep learning of subsurface flow via theory-guided neural network
N Wang, D Zhang, H Chang, H Li
Journal of Hydrology 584, 124700, 2020
Simulation of dissolution and precipitation in porous media
Q Kang, D Zhang, S Chen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B10), 2003
Deep learning based forecasting of photovoltaic power generation by incorporating domain knowledge
X Luo, D Zhang, X Zhu
Energy 225, 120240, 2021
Unified lattice Boltzmann method for flow in multiscale porous media
Q Kang, D Zhang, S Chen
Physical Review E 66 (5), 056307, 2002
Data assimilation for distributed hydrological catchment modeling via ensemble Kalman filter
X Xie, D Zhang
Advances in Water Resources 33 (6), 678-690, 2010
Coupled fluid-flow and geomechanics for triple-porosity/dual-permeability modeling of coalbed methane recovery
Z Wei, D Zhang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 47 (8), 1242-1253, 2010
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