Florian Fusseis
Florian Fusseis
Professor of Applied Structural Geology, RWTH Aachen
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Cited by
Creep cavitation can establish a dynamic granular fluid pump in ductile shear zones
F Fusseis, K Regenauer-Lieb, J Liu, RM Hough, F De Carlo
Nature 459 (7249), 974-977, 2009
Microtomography of partially molten rocks: three-dimensional melt distribution in mantle peridotite
W Zhu, GA Gaetani, F Fusseis, LGJ Montési, F De Carlo
Science 332 (6025), 88-91, 2011
Networking of shear zones at the brittle-to-viscous transition (Cap de Creus, NE Spain)
F Fusseis, MR Handy, C Schrank
Journal of Structural Geology 28 (7), 1228-1243, 2006
Creep cavitation bands control porosity and fluid flow in lower crustal shear zones
L Menegon, F Fusseis, H Stünitz, X Xiao
Geology 43 (3), 227-230, 2015
A brief guide to synchrotron radiation-based microtomography in (structural) geology and rock mechanics
F Fusseis, X Xiao, C Schrank, F De Carlo
Journal of Structural Geology 65, 1-16, 2014
Micromechanisms of shear zone propagation at the brittle–viscous transition
F Fusseis, MR Handy
Journal of Structural Geology 30 (10), 1242-1253, 2008
Experimental evidence of reaction‐induced fracturing during olivine carbonation
W Zhu, F Fusseis, H Lisabeth, T Xing, X Xiao, V De Andrade, S Karato
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (18), 9535-9543, 2016
Dynamic in situ three-dimensional imaging and digital volume correlation analysis to quantify strain localization and fracture coalescence in sandstone
F Renard, J McBeck, B Cordonnier, X Zheng, N Kandula, JR Sanchez, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 176, 1083-1115, 2019
Evidence for a composite organic–inorganic fabric of belemnite rostra: Implications for palaeoceanography and palaeoecology
R Hoffmann, DK Richter, RD Neuser, N Jöns, BJ Linzmeier, RE Lemanis, ...
Sedimentary Geology 341, 203-215, 2016
A low-cost X-ray-transparent experimental cell for synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography studies under geological reservoir conditions
F Fusseis, H Steeb, X Xiao, W Zhu, IB Butler, S Elphick, U Mäder
Journal of synchrotron radiation 21 (1), 251-253, 2014
Pore formation during dehydration of a polycrystalline gypsum sample observed and quantified in a time-series synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography experiment
F Fusseis, C Schrank, J Liu, A Karrech, S Llana-Funez, X Xiao, ...
Solid Earth 3 (1), 71-86, 2012
Catastrophic failure: how and when? Insights from 4‐D in situ x‐ray microtomography
A Cartwright‐Taylor, IG Main, IB Butler, F Fusseis, M Flynn, A King
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (8), e2020JB019642, 2020
Classification of refold structures
B Grasemann, G Wiesmayr, E Draganits, F Fusseis
The Journal of geology 112 (1), 119-125, 2004
Multiscale coupling and multiphysics approaches in earth sciences: Applications
K Regenauer-Lieb, M Veveakis, T Poulet, F Wellmann, A Karrech, J Liu, ...
Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics 1 (3), 281-323, 2013
A new approach using high-resolution computed tomography to test the buoyant properties of chambered cephalopod shells
R Lemanis, S Zachow, F Fusseis, R Hoffmann
Paleobiology 41 (2), 313-329, 2015
High‐temperature fracturing and subsequent grain‐size‐sensitive creep in lower crustal gabbros: Evidence for coseismic loading followed by creep during decaying stress in the …
T Okudaira, P Jeřábek, H Stünitz, F Fusseis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (5), 3119-3141, 2015
Multiscaling of shear zones and the evolution of the brittle‐to‐viscous transition in continental crust
CE Schrank, MR Handy, F Fusseis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B1), 2008
Time Resolved in situ X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy Unraveling Dynamic Processes in Geologic Systems
F Marone, CM Schlepütz, S Marti, F Fusseis, A Velásquez-Parra, M Griffa, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 346, 2020
Seismic events miss important kinematically governed grain scale mechanisms during shear failure of porous rock
A Cartwright-Taylor, MD Mangriotis, IG Main, IB Butler, F Fusseis, M Ling, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 6169, 2022
Hierarchical creep cavity formation in an ultramylonite and implications for phase mixing
J Gilgannon, F Fusseis, L Menegon, K Regenauer-Lieb, J Buckman
Solid Earth 8 (6), 1193-1209, 2017
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Articles 1–20