Arundhuti Ghatak
Arundhuti Ghatak
Associate Professor
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Metagenomic analysis of hot springs in Central India reveals hydrocarbon degrading thermophiles and pathways essential for survival in extreme environments
R Saxena, DB Dhakan, P Mittal, P Waiker, A Chowdhury, A Ghatak, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 2123, 2017
Suprasubduction-zone ophiolite generation, emplacement, and initiation of subduction: A perspective from geochemistry, metamorphism, geochronology, and regional geology
J Wakabayashi, A Ghatak, AR Basu
Bulletin 122 (9-10), 1548-1568, 2010
Elemental mobility in subduction metamorphism: insight from metamorphic rocks of the Franciscan Complex and the Feather River ultramafic belt, California
A Ghatak, AR Basu, J Wakabayashi
International Geology Review 54 (6), 654-685, 2012
Vestiges of the Kerguelen plume in the Sylhet Traps, northeastern India
A Ghatak, AR Basu
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308 (1-2), 52-64, 2011
Isotopic and trace element geochemistry of alkalic–mafic–ultramafic–carbonatitic complexes and flood basalts in NE India: Origin in a heterogeneous Kerguelen plume
A Ghatak, AR Basu
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 115, 46-72, 2013
Chemical geodynamics of western Anatolia
R Chakrabarti, AR Basu, A Ghatak
International Geology Review 54 (2), 227-248, 2012
Catastrophic environmental transition at the Permian-Triassic Neo-Tethyan margin of Gondwanaland: Geochemical, isotopic and sedimentological evidence in the Spiti Valley, India
N Ghosh, AR Basu, ON Bhargava, UK Shukla, A Ghatak, CN Garzione, ...
Gondwana Research 34, 324-345, 2016
Tectonic setting of supra subduction zone ophiolite generation and subduction initiation as revealed through geochemistry and regional field relationships
J Wakabayashi, A Ghatak, AR Basu
Geological Society of America Bulletin 122, 1548-1568, 2010
Epicontinental Permian-Cretaceous seaways in central India: The debate for the Narmada versus Godavari rifts for the Cretaceous-Tertiary incursion
V Kumari, S Tandon, N Kumar, A Ghatak
Earth Science Reviews 211, 2020
Implications of Franciscan Complex graywacke geochemistry for sediment transport, provenance determination, burial‐exposure duration, and fluid exchange with cosubducted …
A Ghatak, AR Basu, J Wakabayashi
Tectonics 32 (5), 1480-1492, 2013
Implications of a geochemical approach to reconstruct the Maastrichtian–Danian seaways of central India: The planktic foraminifera-bearing Jhilmili intertrappean revisited
V Kumari, SK Tandon, N Kumar, A Ghatak
Cretaceous Research 151, 105627, 2023
Remnants of Kerguelen Plume in Eastern India: Evidence from Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic and Trace Element Geochemistry of Sylhet Traps, Shillong Plateau.
A Ghatak, AR Basu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2006, V13B-0677, 2006
Detrital zircon U-Pb ages of Proterozoic and Cretaceous sandstones of Narmada region in Central India: Implications for provenance and the closure age of the Vindhyan Basin
V Kumari, S Tandon, T Kallukalam, A Ghatak
EarthArXiv, 2023
An investigation of Fe-Ti, V in the north-east Karbi Hills, Shillong Plateau, north-east India: Implication for mineralization
D Majumdar, A Gogoi, A Ghatak
Geological Journal, 1-13, 2021
Pharmacokinetics, metabolism and excretion of hypolipidemic drug: 16-dehydropregnenolone
P Srivastava, N Mathur, A Ghatak
J Drug Metab Toxicol 4 (157), 2, 2013
Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP): The Palisade sill connection
A Ghatak, AR Basu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, DI53A-2371, 2012
Reply to: Comments on" Trace element and isotopic evidence for Archean basement in the Lonar crater impact breccia, Deccan volcanic province" by Ramananda Chakrabarti and Asish …
R Chakrabarti
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 250 (3), 669-670, 2006
New Data on the Age and Genesis of the Newania Carbonatite Complex, Rajasthan, India
NV Sorokhtina, BV Belyatsky, VA Zaitsev, SG Viladkar, NN Kononkova, ...
Geochemistry International 60 (12), 1237-1261, 2022
Geochemistry and magnetite mineral properties in a porphyry copper prospect in A‐type granitoids: A case study from the Karbi Hills of Northeast India
D Majumdar, A Gogoi, A Ghatak, A Saikia, N Bhuyan, PV Sunder Raju
Geological Journal 57 (12), 5176-5190, 2022
Decoding Apatite in Volcanic Carbonatitic breccia from Mongra, Northwest of Amba Dongar Carbonatite Complex, Gujarat, India: Insights to Genesis & Rare Earth Element Budgets
S Mohanty, T Ravy, Divyareshmi, V Zaitsev, A Ghatak
Geological Society of London, Special Publications 551, 2024
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Articles 1–20