Groundfish species diversity and assemblage structure in Icelandic waters during recent years of warming L Stefansdottir, J Solmundsson, G MARTEINSDOTTIR, K Kristinsson, ... Fisheries Oceanography 19 (1), 42-62, 2010 | 68 | 2010 |
Collapse of the fishery for Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica) in Breidafjordur, West Iceland JP Jonasson, G Thorarinsdottir, H Eiriksson, J Solmundsson, ... ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 (2), 298-308, 2007 | 46 | 2007 |
Feasibility of using growth band counts in age determination of four crustacean species in the northern Atlantic R Kilada, AL Agnalt, N Hammeken Arboe, S Bjarnason, AD Burmeister, ... Journal of Crustacean Biology 35 (4), 499-503, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Temperature tolerance of Iceland scallop, Chlamys islandica (O.F. Müller) under controlled experimental conditions JP Jónasson, GG Thórarinsdóttir, H Eiríksson, G Marteinsdóttir Aquaculture research 35 (15), 1405-1414, 2004 | 25 | 2004 |
ICES survey protocols–manual for Nephrops underwater TV surveys, coordinated under ICES working group on Nephrops surveys (WGNEPS) H Dobby, J Doyle, J Jonasson, P Jonsson, A Leocadio, C Lordan, ... International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Abundance and growth of larval and early juvenile cod (Gadus morhua) in relation to variable environmental conditions west of Iceland JP Jonasson, B Gunnarsson, G Marteinsdottir Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (21-22), 1992-2000, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
Species richness in North Atlantic fish: Process concealed by pattern H Gislason, J Collie, BR MacKenzie, A Nielsen, MF Borges, T Bottari, ... Global ecology and biogeography 29 (5), 842-856, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Mitochondrial D-loop DNA analyses of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) reveals genetic isolation between Atlantic and East Mediterranean populations J Gallagher, JA Finarelli, JP Jonasson, J Carlsson Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 99 (4 …, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Variation in hatch date distributions, settlement and growth of juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in Icelandic waters B Gunnarsson, JP Jónasson, BJ McAdam Journal of Sea Research 64 (1-2), 61-67, 2010 | 18 | 2010 |
Advancing fishery-independent stock assessments for the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) with new monitoring technologies J Aguzzi, D Chatzievangelou, NJ Robinson, N Bahamon, A Berry, ... Frontiers in marine science 9, 969071, 2022 | 16 | 2022 |
Bayesian hierarchical surplus production model of the common whelk Buccinum undatum in Icelandic waters P Woods, JP Jonasson Fisheries Research 194, 117-128, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Burrow emergence rhythms of deep-water Mediterranean Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) revealed by acoustic telemetry J Aguzzi, M Vigo, N Bahamon, I Masmitja, D Chatzievangelou, ... Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 33 (4), 1465-1482, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Population dynamics of three brachyuran crab species (Decapoda) in Icelandic waters: impact of recent colonization of the Atlantic rock crab (Cancer irroratus) S Gíslason, S Pálsson, JP Jónasson, HD Guls, J Svavarsson, ... ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (2), 534-544, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Population density and growth of the newly introduced Atlantic rock crab Cancer irroratus Say, 1817 (Decapoda, Brachyura) in Iceland: a four-year mark-recapture … ÓS Gíslason, JP Jónasson, S Pálsson, J Svavarsson, HP Halldórsson Marine Biology Research 13 (2), 198-209, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Comparative study on the efficiency of three different types of crab pot in Iceland fishing ground YM Cruz, O Olatunbosun, JP Jónasson, HA Einarsson UNU-Fisheries Training Program 4, 1-25, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Dispersal of juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.) in Icelandic waters K Saemundsson, JP Jonasson, GA Begg, H Karlsson, G Marteinsdottir, ... Fisheries Research 232, 105721, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Using B ayesian growth models to reconstruct small‐mammal populations during low‐trapping periods ER Unnsteinsdottir, P Hersteinsson, JP Jonasson, BJ McAdam Journal of Zoology 292 (3), 206-211, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Merkingar og ţétt leika mat á grjótkrabba viđ ísland ÓS Gíslason, JP Jónasson, J Svavarson, HP Halldórsson Náttúrufrćđingurinn 83 (1-2), 39-48, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Microsatellites obtained using high throughput sequencing and a novel microsatellite genotyping method reveals population genetic structure in Norway Lobster, Nephrops norvegicus J Gallagher, C Lordan, GM Hughes, JP Jonasson, J Carlsson Journal of Sea Research 179, 102139, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Mat á náttúrulegum dauđa hörpudisks, Chlamys islandica (OF Müller), í Breiđafirđi út frá hlutfalli skelja á hjör / Estimate of natural mortality of Icelandic scallop, Chlamys … JP Jónasson Fjölrit Hafrannsóknastofnunar 101, 37-40, 2004 | 4 | 2004 |