Tobias Schmidt
Cited by
Cited by
Absorptive capacity—one size fits all? A firm‐level analysis of absorptive capacity for different kinds of knowledge
T Schmidt
Managerial and Decision Economics 31 (1), 1-18, 2010
Two for the price of one?: Additionality effects of R&D subsidies: A comparison between Flanders and Germany
K Aerts, T Schmidt
Research policy 37 (5), 806-822, 2008
Non-technological and technological innovation: strange bedfellows?
T Schmidt, C Rammer
ZEW Discussion Paper No 07-052, 2007
Consumer Cash Usage: A Cross-Country Comparison with Payment Diary Survey Data
J Bagnall, D Bounie, KP Huynh, A Kosse, T Schmidt, SD Schuh, H Stix
International Journal of Central Banking 12, 1-62, 2016
Empirical evidence on the success of R&D cooperation—happy together?
B Aschhoff, T Schmidt
Review of Industrial Organization 33, 41-62, 2008
Understanding co-operative innovative activity: Evidence from four European countries
L Abramovsky, E Kremp, A López, T Schmidt, H Simpson
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 18 (3), 243-265, 2009
The effects of knowledge management on innovative success–An empirical analysis of German firms
U Cantner, K Joel, T Schmidt
Research policy 40 (10), 1453-1462, 2011
Liability of foreignness as a barrier to knowledge spillovers: Lost in translation?
T Schmidt, W Sofka
Journal of International Management 15 (4), 460-474, 2009
The use of knowledge management by German innovators
U Cantner, K Joel, T Schmidt
Journal of knowledge management 13 (4), 2009
Innovationsverhalten der deutschen Wirtschaft - Indikatorenbericht zur Innovationserhebung 2006
B Aschhoff, T Doherr, B Ebersberger, B Peters, C Rammer, T Schmidt
Indikatorenbericht zur Innovationserhebung, 2006
How do households allocate their assets? Stylised facts from the Eurosystem household finance and consumption survey
L Arrondel, l. Bartiloro, P Fessler, P Lindner, TY Mathä, C Rampazzi, ...
International Journal of Central Banking 6, 129-220, 2016
Innovationen in Deutschland: Ergebnisse der Innovationserhebung 2003 in der deutschen Wirtschaft
C Rammer
(No Title), 2005
Using cash to monitor liquidity: implications for payments, currency demand, and withdrawal behavior
UV Kalckreuth, T Schmidt, H Stix
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 46 (8), 1753-1786, 2014
Knowledge flows and R&D co-operation: Firm-level evidence from Germany
T Schmidt
ZEW Discussion Paper No 05-22, 2005
Choosing and using payment instruments: evidence from German microdata
U Von Kalckreuth, T Schmidt, H Stix
Empirical Economics 46, 1019-1055, 2014
The determinants and effects of technological and non technological innovations–Evidence from the German CIS IV
T Schmidt, C Rammer
Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW), Mannheim, 2006
The role of central bank knowledge and trust for the public's inflation expectations
S Mellina, T Schmidt
Bundesbank Discussion Paper 32/2018, 2018
International cooperation on innovation: Firm-level evidence from two European countries
P De Faria, T Schmidt
Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice 14 (3), 303-323, 2012
The PHF: a comprehensive panel survey on household finances and wealth in Germany
U von Kalckreuth, M Eisele, J Le Blanc, T Schmidt, J Zhu
Bundesbank Discussion Paper 13/2012, 2012
Motives for innovation co-operation-evidence from the Canadian survey of innovation
T Schmidt
Statistics Canada Innovation Analysis Bulletin 9 (2), 7-8, 2007
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Articles 1–20