Gianluca Turin
Gianluca Turin
PhD student, Universitet i Oslo
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Cited by
A formal model of the kubernetes container framework
G Turin, A Borgarelli, S Donetti, EB Johnsen, SL Tapia Tarifa, F Damiani
International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 558-577, 2020
On checking delta-oriented product lines of statecharts
M Lienhardt, F Damiani, L Testa, G Turin
Science of Computer Programming 166, 3-34, 2018
Predicting resource consumption of Kubernetes container systems using resource models
G Turin, A Borgarelli, S Donetti, F Damiani, EB Johnsen, SLT Tarifa
Journal of Systems and Software 203, 111750, 2023
Boreas–a service scheduler for optimal kubernetes deployment
T Lebesbye, J Mauro, G Turin, IC Yu
Service-Oriented Computing: 19th International Conference, ICSOC 2021 …, 2021
The Journal of Systems & Software
S Tuli, SS Gill, M Xu, P Garraghan, R Bahsoon, S Dustdar, R Sakellariou, ...
Summary of: On Checking Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines of Statecharts
M Lienhardt, F Damiani, L Testa, G Turin
Integrated Formal Methods: 15th International Conference, IFM 2019, Bergen …, 2019
Statically Derived Data Access Patterns for NUMA Architectures
G Turin, EB Johnsen, SLT Tarifa
NWPT 2019, 69, 0
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