Xu Chen
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Cited by
A minimum parameter adaptive approach for rejecting multiple narrow-band disturbances with application to hard disk drives
X Chen, M Tomizuka
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 20 (2), 408-415, 2011
New repetitive control with improved steady-state performance and accelerated transient
X Chen, M Tomizuka
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 22 (2), 664-675, 2014
Methods for closed-loop compensation of ultra-high frequency disturbances in hard disk drives and hard disk drives utilizing same
X Chen, W Xi, YH Kim, KY Tu
US Patent US8,630,059, 2014
Multivariable robust blade pitch control design to reject periodic loads on wind turbines
Y Yuan, X Chen, J Tang
Renewable Energy 146, 329-341, 2020
Overview and new results in disturbance observer based adaptive vibration rejection with application to advanced manufacturing
X Chen, M Tomizuka
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 29 (11 …, 2015
Selective model inversion and adaptive disturbance observer for time-varying vibration rejection on an active-suspension benchmark
X Chen, M Tomizuka
European Journal of Control 19 (4), 300-312, 2013
A review of aging, degradation, and reusability of PA12 powders in selective laser sintering additive manufacturing
F Yang, N Zobeiry, R Mamidala, X Chen
Materials Today Communications 34, 105279, 2023
Optimal plant shaping for high bandwidth disturbance rejection in discrete disturbance observers
X Chen, M Tomizuka
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, 2641-2646, 2010
Pseudo Youla-Kucera parameterization with control of the waterbed effect for local loop shaping
X Chen, T Jiang, M Tomizuka
Automatica 62, 177-183, 2015
Process control of surface quality and part microstructure in selective laser sintering involving highly degraded polyamide 12 materials
F Yang, T Jiang, G Lalier, J Bartolone, X Chen
Polymer Testing 93, 106920, 2021
Control methodologies for precision positioning systems
X Chen, M Tomizuka
2013 American Control Conference, 3704-3711, 2013
A multirate fractional-order repetitive control for laser-based additive manufacturing
D Wang, X Chen
Control Engineering Practice 77, 41-51, 2018
Discrete-time nonlinear damping backstepping control with observers for rejection of low and high frequency disturbances
W Kim, X Chen, Y Lee, CC Chung, M Tomizuka
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 104, 436-448, 2018
Multirate forward-model disturbance observer for feedback regulation beyond Nyquist frequency
X Chen, H Xiao
Systems & Control Letters 94, 181-188, 2016
Optimal decoupled disturbance observers for dual-input single-output systems
X Chen, M Tomizuka
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 136 (5), 051018, 2014
Extended state observer with phase compensation to estimate and suppress high-frequency disturbances
M Zheng, X Chen, M Tomizuka
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 3521-3526, 2016
A process control and interlayer heating approach to reuse polyamide 12 powders and create parts with improved mechanical properties in selective laser sintering
F Yang, T Jiang, G Lalier, J Bartolone, X Chen
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57, 828-846, 2020
Evaluating poly (ether ether ketone) powder recyclability for selective laser sintering applications
A Patel, V Venoor, FF Yang, X Chen, MJ Sobkowicz
Polymer Degradation and Stability 185, 109502, 2021
Discrete-Time Reduced-Complexity Youla Parameterization for Dual-Input Single-Output Systems
X Chen, M Tomizuka
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2015
Quantitative influences of successive reuse on thermal decomposition, molecular evolution, and elemental composition of polyamide 12 residues in selective laser sintering
F Yang, A Schnuerch, X Chen
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 115 (9), 3121 …, 2021
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Articles 1–20