Łukasz Pawela
Łukasz Pawela
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, PAS
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Cited by
Generating random quantum channels
R Kukulski, I Nechita, Ł Pawela, Z Puchała, K Życzkowski
Journal of Mathematical Physics 62 (6), 2021
Almost all quantum channels are equidistant
I Nechita, Z Puchała, Ł Pawela, K Życzkowski
Journal of Mathematical Physics 59, 052201, 2018
Distinguishability of generic quantum states
Z Puchała, Ł Pawela, K Życzkowski
Physical Review A 93 (6), 062112, 2016
XPS and AFM studies of surface chemistry and morphology of In 2 O 3 ultrathin films deposited by rheotaxial growth and vacuum oxidation
P Kościelniak, J Mazur, J Henek, M Kwoka, J Szuber
Thin Solid Films 520 (3), 927-931, 2011
Cooperative quantum Parrondo's games
Ł Pawela, J Sładkowski
Physica D 256, 51-57, 2013
Strategies for optimal single-shot discrimination of quantum measurements
Z Puchała, Ł Pawela, A Krawiec, R Kukulski
Physical Review A 98 (4), 042103, 2018
Quantum Prisoner's Dilemma game on hypergraph networks
Ł Pawela, J Sładkowski
Physica A 392 (4), 910-917, 2013
Efficient computation of high order cumulant tensors
K Domino, Ł Pawela, P Gawron
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (3), A1610, 2018
QuantumInformation. jl—A Julia package for numerical computation in quantum information theory
P Gawron, D Kurzyk, Ł Pawela
PloS one 13 (12), e0209358, 2018
Generalized open quantum walks on Apollonian networks
Ł Pawela, P Gawron, JA Miszczak, P Sadowski
PLOS ONE 10 (7), e0130967, 2015
Decoherence effects in the quantum qubit flip game using Markovian approximation
P Gawron, D Kurzyk, Ł Pawela
Quantum Information Processing 13, 665-682, 2014
Central limit theorem for reducible and irreducible open quantum walks
P Sadowski, Ł Pawela
Quantum Information Processing 15 (7), 2725-2743, 2016
Coherent chemical kinetics as quantum walks I: Reaction operators for radical pairs
DK A. Chia, A. Gorecka, K. C. Tan, L. Pawela, P. Kurzynski, T. Paterek
Physical Review E 93, 032407, 2016
General model for an entanglement-enhanced composed quantum game on a two-dimensional lattice
JA Miszczak, Ł Pawela, J Sładkowski
Fluctuation and Noise Letters 13 (02), 1450012, 2014
Multiple-shot and unambiguous discrimination of von Neumann measurements
Z Puchała, Ł Pawela, A Krawiec, R Kukulski, M Oszmaniec
Quantum 5, 425, 2021
Magnetization reversal in magnetic half-balls influenced by shape perturbations
T Blachowicz, A Ehrmann née Tillmanns, P Steblinski, L Pawela
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (12), 2010
Quantum games on evolving random networks
Ł Pawela
Physica A 458, 179-188, 2016
Analysis of patent activity in the field of quantum information processing
R Winiarczyk, P Gawron, JA Miszczak, Ł Pawela, Z Puchała
International Journal of Quantum Information 11 (1), 135007, 2013
Various methods of optimizing control pulses for quantum systems with decoherence
Ł Pawela, P Sadowski
Quantum Information Processing 15 (5), 1937-1953, 2016
Discrimination of POVMs with rank-one effects
A Krawiec, Ł Pawela, Z Puchała
Quantum Information Processing 19, 1-12, 2020
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Articles 1–20