Peter Debaere
Peter Debaere
Darden Business School, University of Virginia
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Do tariffs matter for the extensive margin of international trade? An empirical analysis
P Debaere, S Mostashari
Journal of International Economics 81 (2), 163-169, 2010
It matters where you go: Outward foreign direct investment and multinational employment growth at home
P Debaere, H Lee, J Lee
Journal of development economics 91 (2), 301-309, 2010
Relative Factor Abundance and Trade
P Debaere
Journal of Political Economy 111 (3), 589-610, 2003
The global economics of water: is water a source of comparative advantage?
P Debaere
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 6 (2), 32-48, 2014
Water scarcity and fish imperilment driven by beef production
BD Richter, D Bartak, P Caldwell, KF Davis, P Debaere, AY Hoekstra, T Li, ...
Nature Sustainability 3 (4), 319-328, 2020
Water markets as a response to scarcity
P Debaere, BD Richter, KF Davis, MS Duvall, JA Gephart, CE O'Bannon, ...
Water Policy 16 (4), 625-649, 2014
Monopolistic competition and trade, revisited: testing the model without testing for gravity
P Debaere
Journal of International Economics 66 (1), 249-266, 2005
On the similarity of country endowments
P Debaere, U Demiroglu
Journal of international Economics 59 (1), 101-136, 2003
Military spending, the peace dividend, and fiscal adjustment
H Davoodi, B Clements, J Schiff, P Debaere
IMF Staff Papers 48 (2), 290-316, 2001
Agglomeration, backward and forward linkages: Evidence from South Korean investment in China
P Debaere, J Lee, M Paik
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 43 (2), 520-546, 2010
Small fish-big issues: the effect of trade policy on the global shrimp market
P Debaere
CEPR discussion paper, 2005
Greasing the wheels of international commerce: how services facilitate firms’ international sourcing
P Debaere, H Görg, H Raff
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 46 (1), 78-102, 2013
Does lumpiness matter in an open economy?: Studying international economics with regional data
P Debaere
Journal of international Economics 64 (2), 485-501, 2004
The effects of water markets: Evidence from the Rio Grande
P Debaere, T Li
Advances in Water Resources 145, 103700, 2020
The real-side determinants of countries’ terms of trade: a panel data analysis
P Debaere, H Lee
Unpublished paper, University of Texas at Austin, 2004
The european union in the GX system
P Debaere, J Orbie
Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions, 311-323, 2012
The potential of the private sector in combating water scarcity: The economics
P Debaere, A Kapral
Water Security 13, 100090, 2021
Crop-specific exposure to extreme temperature and moisture for the globe for the last half century
ND Jackson, M Konar, P Debaere, J Sheffield
Environmental Research Letters 16 (6), 064006, 2021
Decomposing US water withdrawal since 1950
P Debaere, A Kurzendoerfer
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4 (1 …, 2017
Language, ethnicity and intrafirm trade
P Debaere, H Lee, J Lee
Journal of Development Economics 103, 244-253, 2013
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Articles 1–20