Daniel Gallichan
Daniel Gallichan
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A calibration method for quantitative BOLD fMRI based on hyperoxia
PA Chiarelli, DP Bulte, R Wise, D Gallichan, P Jezzard
Neuroimage 37 (3), 808-820, 2007
Retrospective correction of involuntary microscopic head movement using highly accelerated fat image navigators (3D FatNavs) at 7T
D Gallichan, JP Marques, R Gruetter
Magnetic resonance in medicine 75 (3), 1030-1039, 2016
Neuroprotection by dimethyloxalylglycine following permanent and transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats
S Nagel, M Papadakis, R Chen, LC Hoyte, KJ Brooks, D Gallichan, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 31 (1), 132-143, 2011
Flow‐metabolism coupling in human visual, motor, and supplementary motor areas assessed by magnetic resonance imaging
PA Chiarelli, DP Bulte, D Gallichan, SK Piechnik, R Wise, P Jezzard
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 57 (3), 538-547, 2007
Addressing a systematic vibration artifact in diffusion‐weighted MRI
D Gallichan, J Scholz, A Bartsch, TE Behrens, MD Robson, KL Miller
Human brain mapping 31 (2), 193-202, 2010
Simultaneously driven linear and nonlinear spatial encoding fields in MRI
D Gallichan, CA Cocosco, A Dewdney, G Schultz, A Welz, J Hennig, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 65 (3), 702-714, 2011
Measuring the effects of remifentanil on cerebral blood flow and arterial arrival time using 3D GRASE MRI with pulsed arterial spin labelling
BJ MacIntosh, KTS Pattinson, D Gallichan, I Ahmad, KL Miller, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 28 (8), 1514-1522, 2008
Three‐dimensional echo planar imaging with controlled aliasing: A sequence for high temporal resolution functional MRI
M Narsude, D Gallichan, W Van Der Zwaag, R Gruetter, JP Marques
Magnetic resonance in medicine 75 (6), 2350-2361, 2016
Motion-correction enabled ultra-high resolution in-vivo 7T-MRI of the brain
C Federau, D Gallichan
PloS one 11 (5), e0154974, 2016
Reducing distortions in diffusion‐weighted echo planar imaging with a dual‐echo blip‐reversed sequence
D Gallichan, JLR Andersson, M Jenkinson, MD Robson, KL Miller
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 64 (2), 382-390, 2010
TREMR: Table‐resonance elastography with MR
D Gallichan, MD Robson, A Bartsch, KL Miller
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 62 (3), 815-821, 2009
Optimal design of pulsed arterial spin labeling MRI experiments
J Xie, D Gallichan, RN Gunn, P Jezzard
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 59 (4), 826-834, 2008
3D steady‐state diffusion‐weighted imaging with trajectory using radially batched internal navigator echoes (TURBINE)
JA McNab, D Gallichan, KL Miller
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63 (1), 235-242, 2010
Modeling the effects of dispersion and pulsatility of blood flow in pulsed arterial spin labeling
D Gallichan, P Jezzard
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 60 (1), 53-63, 2008
Bayesian inference of hemodynamic changes in functional arterial spin labeling data
MW Woolrich, P Chiarelli, D Gallichan, J Perthen, TT Liu
Magnetic resonance in medicine 56 (4), 891-906, 2006
Reconstruction of MRI data encoded by multiple nonbijective curvilinear magnetic fields
FH Lin, T Witzel, G Schultz, D Gallichan, WJ Kuo, FN Wang, J Hennig, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 68 (4), 1145-1156, 2012
Localization by nonlinear phase preparation and k‐space trajectory design
WRT Witschey, CA Cocosco, D Gallichan, G Schultz, H Weber, A Welz, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67 (6), 1620-1632, 2012
Diffusion MRI of the human brain at ultra-high field (UHF): A review
D Gallichan
NeuroImage 168, 172-180, 2018
Optimizing the acceleration and resolution of three‐dimensional fat image navigators for high‐resolution motion correction at 7T
D Gallichan, JP Marques
Magnetic resonance in medicine 77 (2), 547-558, 2017
Optimizing the acceleration and resolution of three‐dimensional fat image navigators for high‐resolution motion correction at 7T
D Gallichan, JP Marques
Magnetic resonance in medicine 77 (2), 547-558, 2017
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Articles 1–20