Oleg Wasynczuk
Oleg Wasynczuk
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue
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Cited by
Cited by
Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems
PC Krause
IEEE Press google schola 2, 203-210, 2002
Dynamic behavior of a class of photovoltaic power systems
O Wasynezuk
IEEE transactions on power apparatus and systems, 3031-3037, 1983
Dynamic behavior of a class of wind turbine generators during randon wind fluctuations
O Wasynczuk, DT Man, JP Sullivan
IEEE Transactions on power apparatus and systems, 2837-2845, 1981
Electromechanical motion devices
PC Krause, O Wasynczuk, SD Pekarek
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
A maximum torque per ampere control strategy for induction motor drives
O Wasynczuk, SD Sudhoff, KA Corzine, JL Tichenor, PC Krause, ...
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 13 (2), 163-169, 1998
Sudhoff,“Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems”
PC Krause, O Wasyzczuk, S Scott
John Wiley,, 2010
Analysis and average-value modeling of line-commutated converter-synchronous machine systems
SD Sudhoff, O Wasynczuk
IEEE transactions on energy conversion 8 (1), 92-99, 1993
Physically-based reduced-order capacity loss model for graphite anodes in Li-ion battery cells
X Jin, A Vora, V Hoshing, T Saha, G Shaver, RE García, O Wasynczuk, ...
Journal of Power Sources 342, 750-761, 2017
An efficient and accurate model for the simulation and analysis of synchronous machine/converter systems
SD Pekarek, O Wasynczuk, HJ Hegner
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 13 (1), 42-48, 1998
Modeling and dynamic performance of a line-commutated photovoltaic inverter system
O Wasynczuk
IEEE Power Engineering Review 9 (9), 35-36, 1989
An efficient multirate simulation technique for power-electronic-based systems
SD Pekarek, O Wasynczuk, EA Walters, JV Jatskevich, CE Lucas, N Wu, ...
IEEE Transactions on power systems 19 (1), 399-409, 2004
Automated state model generation algorithm for power circuits and systems
O Wasynczuk, SD Sudhoff
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 11 (4), 1951-1956, 1996
Damping subsynchronous resonance using reactive power control
O Wasynczuk
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 1096-1104, 1981
A model-in-the-loop interface to emulate source dynamics in a zonal DC distribution system
W Zhu, S Pekarek, J Jatskevich, O Wasynczuk, D Delisle
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 20 (2), 438-445, 2005
Distributed simulation
O Wasynczuk, CE Lucas, EA Walters, JV Jatskevich
US Patent 7,490,029, 2009
Modeling and dynamic performance of a self-commutated photovoltaic inverter system
O Wasynczuk, NA Anwah
IEEE Power Engineering Review 9 (9), 33-34, 1989
Efficiency evaluation of the modular multilevel converter based on Si and SiC switching devices for medium/high-voltage applications
L Wu, J Qin, M Saeedifard, O Wasynczuk, K Shenai
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 62 (2), 286-293, 2014
Analysis of electric machinery. Piscataway
PC Krause, O Wasynczuk, SD Sudhoff
NJ: IEEE Press, 1995
Applicability of available Li-ion battery degradation models for system and control algorithm design
X Jin, A Vora, V Hoshing, T Saha, G Shaver, O Wasynczuk, S Varigonda
Control Engineering Practice 71, 1-9, 2018
Circuit simulation
O Wasynczuk, JV Jatskevich
US Patent 7,353,157, 2008
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Articles 1–20