Dongfang Li
Dongfang Li
Los Alamos National Lab, Brown University
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Dynamic control of light emission faster than the lifetime limit using VO2 phase-change
S Cueff, D Li, Y Zhou, FJ Wong, JA Kurvits, S Ramanathan, R Zia
Nature communications 6, 8636, 2015
Broadband Linear-to-Circular Polarization Conversion Enabled by Birefringent Off-Resonance Reflective Metasurfaces
CC Chang*, Z Zhao*, D Li*, AJ Taylor, S Fan, HT Chen
Physical Review Letters 123 (23), 237401, 2019
Quantifying and controlling the magnetic dipole contribution to light emission in erbium-doped yttrium oxide
D Li, M Jiang, S Cueff, CM Dodson, S Karaveli, R Zia
Physical Review B 89 (16), 161409, 2014
Measuring subwavelength spatial coherence with plasmonic interferometry
D Morrill, D Li, D Pacifici
Nature Photonics 10 (10), 681, 2016
Strong amplitude and phase modulation of optical spatial coherence with surface plasmon polaritons
D Li, D Pacifici
Science Advances 3 (10), e1700133, 2017
High-performance germanium quantum dot photodetectors in the visible and near infrared
S Siontas, D Li, H Wang, A Aravind, A Zaslavsky, D Pacifici
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 92, 19-27, 2019
Magnetic dipole emission of Dy3+:Y2O3 and Tm3+:Y2O3 at near-infrared wavelengths
CM Dodson, JA Kurvits, D Li, M Jiang, R Zia
Optical Materials Express 4 (11), 2441-2450, 2014
Surface phonon-polariton enhanced optical forces in silicon carbide nanostructures
D Li, NM Lawandy, R Zia
Optics express 21 (18), 20900-20910, 2013
3D Hybrid Plasmonic Framework with Au Nanopillars Embedded in Nitride Multilayers Integrated on Si
J Huang, X Wang, D Li, T Jin, P Lu, D Zhang, PT Lin, HT Chen, J Narayan, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2000493, 2020
Tailoring the Local Density of Optical States and Directionality of Light Emission by Symmetry Breaking
S Cueff, F Dubois, MSR Huang, D Li, R Zia, X Letartre, P Viktorovitch, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25 (3), 1-7, 2019
Nanoscale optical interferometry with incoherent light
D Li, J Feng, D Pacifici
Scientific reports 6, 20836, 2016
Wide-angle energy-momentum spectroscopy
CM Dodson, JA Kurvits, D Li, R Zia
Optics letters 39 (13), 3927-3930, 2014
Morphology Control of Self-Assembled Three-Phase Au-BaTiO3–ZnO Hybrid Metamaterial for Tunable Optical Properties
S Misra, D Zhang, Z Qi, D Li, J Lu, HT Chen, H Wang
Crystal Growth & Design 20 (9), 6101-6108, 2020
Probing the Combined Electromagnetic Local Density of Optical States with Quantum Emitters Supporting Strong Electric and Magnetic Transitions
D Li*, S Karaveli*, S Cueff, W Li, R Zia
Physical Review Letters 121 (22), 227403, 2018
Broadband visible-to-telecom wavelength germanium quantum dot photodetectors
S Siontas, H Wang, D Li, A Zaslavsky, D Pacifici
Applied Physics Letters 113 (18), 181101, 2018
Circular slit-groove plasmonic interferometers: a generalized approach to high-throughput biochemical sensing
J Feng, D Li, D Pacifici
Optical Materials Express 5 (12), 2742-2753, 2015
Room-Temperature Ferroelectric LiNb6Ba5Ti4O30 Spinel Phase in a Nanocomposite Thin Film Form for Nonlinear Photonics
J Huang, H Wang, D Li, Z Qi, D Zhang, P Lu, HT Chen, DA Yarotski, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (20), 23076-23083, 2020
Low‐Temperature Operation of High‐Efficiency Germanium Quantum Dot Photodetectors in the Visible and Near Infrared
S Siontas, D Li, P Liu, S Aujla, A Zaslavsky, D Pacifici
physica status solidi (a) 215 (3), 1700453, 2018
Higher-order surface plasmon contributions to passive and active plasmonic interferometry
D Li, J Feng, D Pacifici
Optics express 24 (24), 27309-27318, 2016
Strong Purcell enhancement at telecom wavelengths afforded by spinel Fe 3 O 4 nanocrystals with size-tunable plasmonic properties
EA Dolgopolova, D Li, ST Hartman, J Watt, C Ríos, J Hu, R Kukkadapu, ...
Nanoscale Horizons 7 (3), 267-275, 2022
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Articles 1–20