Daniel K. Mroczek
Daniel K. Mroczek
Professor of Psychology and Medical Social Sciences, Northwestern University
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Short screening scales to monitor population prevalences and trends in non-specific psychological distress
RC Kessler, G Andrews, LJ Colpe, E Hiripi, DK Mroczek, SLT Normand, ...
Psychological medicine 32 (6), 959-976, 2002
The effect of age on positive and negative affect: a developmental perspective on happiness.
DK Mroczek, CM Kolarz
Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (5), 1333, 1998
The World Health Organization composite international diagnostic interview short‐form (CIDI‐SF)
RC Kessler, G Andrews, D Mroczek, B Ustun, HU Wittchen
International journal of methods in psychiatric research 7 (4), 171-185, 1998
Personality trait change in adulthood
BW Roberts, D Mroczek
Current directions in psychological science 17 (1), 31-35, 2008
Change in life satisfaction during adulthood: findings from the veterans affairs normative aging study.
DK Mroczek, A Spiro III
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (1), 189, 2005
The effect of daily stress, personality, and age on daily negative affect
DK Mroczek, DM Almeida
Journal of personality 72 (2), 355-378, 2004
Modeling intraindividual change in personality traits: Findings from the Normative Aging Study
DK Mroczek, A Spiro III
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2003
Final versions of our non-specific psychological distress scale
R Kessler, D Mroczek
Ann Arbor, MI: Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research …, 1994
Personality change influences mortality in older men
DK Mroczek, A Spiro
Psychological science 18 (5), 371-376, 2007
Ambivalent relationship qualities between adults and their parents: Implications for the well-being of both parties
KL Fingerman, L Pitzer, ES Lefkowitz, KS Birditt, D Mroczek
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2008
Personality trait level and change as predictors of health outcomes: Findings from a national study of Americans (MIDUS)
NA Turiano, L Pitzer, C Armour, A Karlamangla, CD Ryff, DK Mroczek
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2012
Personality and substance use in midlife: Conscientiousness as a moderator and the effects of trait change
NA Turiano, SD Whiteman, SE Hampson, BW Roberts, DK Mroczek
Journal of research in personality 46 (3), 295-305, 2012
The development and implications of peer emotional support for student service members/veterans and civilian college students.
SD Whiteman, AE Barry, DK Mroczek, S MacDermid Wadsworth
Journal of counseling psychology 60 (2), 265, 2013
Construct validation of optimism and pessimism in older men: findings from the normative aging study.
DK Mroczek, A Spiro, CM Aldwin, DJ Ozer, R Bossé
Health Psychology 12 (5), 406, 1993
Age and emotion in adulthood
DK Mroczek
Current directions in psychological science 10 (3), 87-90, 2001
Big 5 personality traits and interleukin-6: Evidence for “healthy Neuroticism” in a US population sample
NA Turiano, DK Mroczek, J Moynihan, BP Chapman
Brain, behavior, and immunity 28, 83-89, 2013
Emotional reactivity and mortality: Longitudinal findings from the VA Normative Aging Study
DK Mroczek, RS Stawski, NA Turiano, W Chan, DM Almeida, SD Neupert, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2015
Handbook of personality development
DK Mroczek, TD Little
Psychology Press, 2014
Personality predicts mortality risk: An integrative data analysis of 15 international longitudinal studies
EK Graham, JP Rutsohn, NA Turiano, R Bendayan, PJ Batterham, ...
Journal of Research in Personality 70, 174-186, 2017
Personality and the leading behavioral contributors of mortality.
NA Turiano, BP Chapman, TL Gruenewald, DK Mroczek
Health Psychology 34 (1), 51, 2015
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Articles 1–20