Ruizhi Gao
Ruizhi Gao
Sonos Inc. Phd from University of Texas at Dallas
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Cited by
A survey on software fault localization
WE Wong, R Gao, Y Li, R Abreu, F Wotawa
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 42 (8), 707-740, 2016
The DStar method for effective software fault localization
WE Wong, V Debroy, R Gao, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 63 (1), 290-308, 2013
Software fault localization using dstar (d*)
WE Wong, V Debroy, Y Li, R Gao
2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Security and …, 2012
MSeer: an advanced technique for locating multiple bugs in parallel
R Gao, WE Wong
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
Successes, challenges, and rethinking–an industrial investigation on crowdsourced mobile application testing
R Gao, Y Wang, Y Feng, Z Chen, W Eric Wong
Empirical Software Engineering 24, 537-561, 2019
Genetic algorithm-based test generation for software product line with the integration of fault localization techniques
X Li, WE Wong, R Gao, L Hu, S Hosono
Empirical Software Engineering 23, 1-51, 2018
Effective software fault localization using predicted execution results
R Gao, WE Wong, Z Chen, Y Wang
Software Quality Journal 25, 131-169, 2017
Applying combinatorial testing in industrial settings
X Li, R Gao, WE Wong, C Yang, D Li
2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2016
WAS: A weighted attribute-based strategy for cluster test selection
Y Wang, R Gao, Z Chen, WE Wong, B Luo
Journal of systems and software 98, 44-58, 2014
Improving MC/DC and fault detection strength using combinatorial testing
D Li, L Hu, R Gao, WE Wong, DR Kuhn, RN Kacker
2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2017
Software fault localization: An overview of research, techniques, and tools
WE Wong, R Gao, Y Li, R Abreu, F Wotawa, D Li
Handbook of Software Fault Localization: Foundations and Advances, 1-117, 2023
Effective test generation for combinatorial decision coverage
R Gao, L Hu, WE Wong, HL Lu, SK Huang
2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2016
An empirical study on constraint optimization techniques for test generation
Z Zhang, Z Chen, R Gao, E Wong, B Xu
Science China. Information Sciences 60 (1), 012105, 2017
An empirical study of requirements-based test generation on an automobile control system
R Gao, JS Eo, WE Wong, X Gao, SY Lee
Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1094-1099, 2014
Evaluating software safety standards: A systematic review and comparison
WE Wong, T Gidvani, A Lopez, R Gao, M Horn
2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Software Security and …, 2014
Case study of requirements-based test case generation on an automotive domain
JS Eo, HR Choi, R Gao, S Lee, WE Wong
2015 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2015
Spectrum-base fault localization by exploiting the failure path
HL Lu, R Gao, SK Huang, WE Wong
2016 International Computer Symposium (ICS), 252-257, 2016
Evolving ranking-based failure proximities for better clustering in fault isolation
Y Song, X Xie, X Zhang, Q Liu, R Gao
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2022
Diagnosing SDN network problems by using spectrum-based fault localization techniques
HH Chen, HL Lu, SK Huang, R Gao, WE Wong
2015 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2015
Software safety standards: evolution and lessons learned
SY Lee, WE Wong, R Gao
2014 International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and their Applications …, 2014
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Articles 1–20