Logashanmugam Edeswaran
Logashanmugam Edeswaran
Professor /Faculty of Electrical and Electronics ,sathyabama university
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Hybrid deep learning with optimal feature selection for speech emotion recognition using improved meta-heuristic algorithm
K Manohar, E Logashanmugam
Knowledge-based systems 246, 108659, 2022
[Retracted] An Automated Deep Learning Model for the Cerebellum Segmentation from Fetal Brain Images
R Sreelakshmy, A Titus, N Sasirekha, E Logashanmugam, RB Begam, ...
BioMed Research International 2022 (1), 8342767, 2022
An effectual face tracking based on transformed algorithm using composite mask
G Ramkumar, E Logashanmugam
2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2016
Multimodal verge for scale and pose variant real time face tracking and recognition
R Govindaraj, E Logashanmugam
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 13 (2), 665, 2019
Study on impulsive assessment of chronic pain correlated expressions in facial images.
G Ramkumar, E Logashanmugam
Biomedical Research (0970-938X) 29 (16), 2018
Bandwidth enhancement of microstrip patch antenna using parasitic patch
MH Reddy, RM Joany, MJ Reddy, M Sugadev, E Logashanmugam
2017 IEEE international conference on smart technologies and management for …, 2017
Hybrid framework for detection of human face based on haar-like feature
G Ramkumar, E Logashanmugam
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) 7 (3), 1786-1790, 2018
An effectual facial expression recognition using HMM
G Ramkumar, E Logashanmugam
2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and …, 2016
Study of different denoising methods for underwater acoustic signal
VV Baskar, V Rajendran, E Logashanmugam
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 23 (4), 3, 2015
Design and analysis of an array multiplier using an area efficient full adder cell in 32 nm CMOS technology
K Mathew, SA Latha, T Ravi, E Logashanmugam
International Journal of Engineering and Science 2 (3), 8-16, 2013
Removal of high density salt and pepper noise through modified cascaded filter
B Karthik, T Kumar, MA Dorairangaswamy, E Logashanmugam
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 20 (10), 1222-1228, 2014
High speed low cost implementation of advanced encryption standard on fpga
J Balamurugan, E Logashanmugam
Second International Conference on Current Trends In Engineering and …, 2014
Performance analysis of FIR filter using booth multiplier
DJ Kumar, E Logashanmugam
Second International Conference on Current Trends In Engineering and …, 2014
Corporate feed based metamaterial antenna for wireless applications
M Sugadev, E Logashanmugam
Cluster Computing 21, 125-134, 2018
High gain multiband stacked DRA for WiMax and WLAN applications
S Mani, L Edeswaran
American Journal of Applied Sciences 14 (8), 779-785, 2017
A compact multiple slot microstrip antenna for modern mobile communications
M Sugadev, E Logashanmugam
2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and …, 2016
Design and analysis of nonlinear AES S-box and mix-column transformation with the pipelined architecture
V Gopi, E Logashanmugam
2013 International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering and …, 2013
Robotic arm showing writing skills by speech recognition
M Balaganesh, CS Aadhitya, E Logashanmugam, R Manikandan
INTERACT-2010, 12-15, 2010
Retinal blood vessel segmentation using morphological and canny edge detection technique
KT Ilayarajaa, E Logashanmugam
2020 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and …, 2020
Design and testing of electromagnetic actuator used in axial active magnetic bearing
P Raghunathan, E Logashanmugam
2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and …, 2016
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Articles 1–20