M Sreenu
Cited by
Cited by
EAFIM: efficient apriori-based frequent itemset mining algorithm on Spark for big transactional data
S Raj, D Ramesh, M Sreenu, KK Sethi
Knowledge and Information Systems 62, 3565-3583, 2020
Blockchain based secure and reliable Cyber Physical ecosystem for vaccine supply chain
M Sreenu, N Gupta, C Jatoth, A Saad, A Alharbi, L Nkenyereye
Computer Communications 191, 173-183, 2022
Parallel high average-utility itemset mining using better search space division approach
KK Sethi, D Ramesh, M Sreenu
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 15th International Conference …, 2019
Blockchain based smart contract for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks for sustainable beyond 5G wireless communication
A Jain, N Gupta, M Sreenu
Green Technologies and Sustainability 1 (2), 100019, 2023
A General Study on Cyber-Attacks on Social Networks
M Sreenu, DV Krishna, N Devender Nayak
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) 19 (5), 01-04, 2017
A novel recommendation system for vaccines using hybrid machine learning model
NS Hada, S Maloth, C Jatoth, U Fiore, S Sharma, S Chatharasupalli, ...
Machine Intelligence Techniques for Data Analysis and Signal Processing …, 2023
Reinforcement learning and blockchain‐based intelligent and secure vaccine recommender system
M Sreenu, N Gupta, C Jatoth, D Gupta
Expert Systems 41 (1), e13478, 2024
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Articles 1–7