Sheng-Tao Wang
Sheng-Tao Wang
QuEra Computing Inc.
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Cited by
Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm: Performance, Mechanism, and Implementation on Near-Term Devices
L Zhou, ST Wang, S Choi, H Pichler, MD Lukin
Physical Review X 10 (2), 021067, 2020
Weyl exceptional rings in a three-dimensional dissipative cold atomic gas
Y Xu, ST Wang, LM Duan
Physical review letters 118 (4), 045701, 2017
Quantum optimization of maximum independent set using Rydberg atom arrays
S Ebadi, A Keesling, M Cain, TT Wang, H Levine, D Bluvstein, ...
Science 376 (6598), 1209-1215, 2022
Hardware-efficient, fault-tolerant quantum computation with Rydberg atoms
I Cong, H Levine, A Keesling, D Bluvstein, ST Wang, MD Lukin
Physical Review X 12 (2), 021049, 2022
Quantum supremacy for simulating a translation-invariant Ising spin model
X Gao, ST Wang, LM Duan
Physical review letters 118 (4), 040502, 2017
Quantum Optimization for Maximum Independent Set Using Rydberg Atom Arrays
H Pichler, ST Wang, L Zhou, S Choi, MD Lukin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.10816, 2018
Quantum optimization with arbitrary connectivity using Rydberg atom arrays
MT Nguyen, JG Liu, J Wurtz, MD Lukin, ST Wang, H Pichler
PRX Quantum 4 (1), 010316, 2023
Hopf insulators and their topologically protected surface states
DL Deng, ST Wang, C Shen, LM Duan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (20), 201105, 2013
Noise analysis for high-fidelity quantum entangling gates in an anharmonic linear Paul trap
Y Wu, ST Wang, LM Duan
Physical Review A 97 (6), 062325, 2018
Simulating the performance of a distance-3 surface code in a linear ion trap
CJ Trout, M Li, M Gutiérrez, Y Wu, ST Wang, L Duan, KR Brown
New Journal of Physics 20 (4), 043038, 2018
Enhancing generative models via quantum correlations
X Gao, ER Anschuetz, ST Wang, JI Cirac, MD Lukin
Physical Review X 12 (2), 021037, 2022
Aquila: QuEra's 256-qubit neutral-atom quantum computer
J Wurtz, A Bylinskii, B Braverman, J Amato-Grill, SH Cantu, F Huber, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11727, 2023
Machine Learning Topological Phases with a Solid-state Quantum Simulator
W Lian, ST Wang, S Lu, Y Huang, F Wang, X Yuan, W Zhang, X Ouyang, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (21), 210503, 2019
Observation of hopping and blockade of bosons in a trapped ion spin chain
S Debnath, NM Linke, ST Wang, C Figgatt, KA Landsman, LM Duan, ...
Physical review letters 120 (7), 073001, 2018
Hamiltonian tomography for quantum many-body systems with arbitrary couplings
ST Wang, DL Deng, LM Duan
New Journal of Physics 17 (9), 093017, 2015
Probe of three-dimensional chiral topological insulators in an optical lattice
ST Wang, DL Deng, LM Duan
Physical review letters 113 (3), 033002, 2014
Direct probe of topological order for cold atoms
DL Deng, ST Wang, LM Duan
Physical Review A 90 (4), 041601, 2014
Quantum computation under micromotion in a planar ion crystal
ST Wang, C Shen, LM Duan
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8555, 2015
Probe knots and Hopf insulators with ultracold atoms
DL Deng, ST Wang, K Sun, LM Duan
Chinese Physics Letters 35 (1), 013701, 2018
Computing solution space properties of combinatorial optimization problems via generic tensor networks
JG Liu, X Gao, M Cain, MD Lukin, ST Wang
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45 (3), A1239-A1270, 2023
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Articles 1–20