Hanspeter A. Mallot
Hanspeter A. Mallot
Senior Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Univ. Tübingen
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Integration of depth modules: stereo and shading
HH Bülthoff, HA Mallot
Josa a 5 (10), 1749-1758, 1988
Inverse perspective mapping simplifies optical flow computation and obstacle detection
HA Mallot, HH Bülthoff, JJ Little, S Bohrer
Biological cybernetics 64 (3), 177-185, 1991
Biomimetic robot navigation
MO Franz, HA Mallot
Robotics and autonomous Systems 30 (1-2), 133-153, 2000
Navigation and acquisition of spatial knowledge in a virtual maze
S Gillner, HA Mallot
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 10 (4), 445-463, 1998
Miniature curved artificial compound eyes
D Floreano, R Pericet-Camara, S Viollet, F Ruffier, A Brückner, R Leitel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (23), 9267-9272, 2013
The role of global and local landmarks in virtual environment navigation
SD Steck, HA Mallot
Presence 9 (1), 69-83, 2000
Learning view graphs for robot navigation
MO Franz, B Schölkopf, P Georg, HA Mallot, HH Bülthoff
Proceedings of the first international conference on Autonomous agents, 138-147, 1997
Where did I take that snapshot? Scene-based homing by image matching
MO Franz, B Schölkopf, HA Mallot, HH Bülthoff
Biological Cybernetics 79, 191-202, 1998
Differential recruitment of the hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, and the human motion complex during path integration in humans
T Wolbers, JM Wiener, HA Mallot
Journal of Neuroscience 27, 9408-9416, 0
'Fine-to-coarse'route planning and navigation in regionalized environments
JM Wiener, HA Mallot
Spatial cognition and computation 3 (4), 331-358, 2003
View-based cognitive mapping and path planning
B Schölkopf, HA Mallot
Adaptive Behavior 3 (3), 311-348, 1995
Rats are able to navigate in virtual environments
C Holscher, A Schnee, H Dahmen, L Setia, HA Mallot
Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (3), 561-569, 2005
Spatial Cognition: The Role of Landmark, Route, and Survey Knowledge in Human and Robot Navigation1
S Werner, B Krieg-Brückner, HA Mallot, K Schweizer, C Freksa
Informatik’97 Informatik als Innovationsmotor: 27. Jahrestagung der …, 1997
Temporal structure of cortical information processing: cortical architecture, oscillations, and non-separability of spatio-temporal receptive field organization
HR Dinse, K Krüger, HA Mallot, J Best
Neuronal cooperativity, 68-104, 1991
Assessment of vision-related quality of life in patients with homonymous visual field defects
E Papageorgiou, G Hardiess, F Schaeffel, H Wiethoelter, HO Karnath, ...
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 245, 1749-1758, 2007
Use and interaction of navigation strategies in regionalized environments
JM Wiener, A Schnee, HA Mallot
Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (4), 475-493, 2004
Route navigating without place recognition: What is recognised in recognition-triggered responses?
HA Mallot, S Gillner
Perception 29 (1), 43-55, 2000
Phase-based binocular vergence control and depth reconstruction using active vision
WM Theimer, HA Mallot
CVGIP: Image Understanding 60 (3), 343-358, 1994
Graph-based models of space in architecture and cognitive science: A comparative analysis
G Franz, HA Mallot, JM Wiener
17th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and …, 2005
Reward modulates neuronal activity in the hippocampus of the rat
C Hölscher, W Jacob, HA Mallot
Behavioural brain research 142 (1-2), 181-191, 2003
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Articles 1–20