Seong O Shim
Seong O Shim
University of Jeddah
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Cited by
A proposal for evolutionary fuzzy systems using feature weighting: dealing with overlapping in imbalanced datasets
S Alshomrani, A Bawakid, SO Shim, A Fernández, F Herrera
Knowledge-Based Systems 73, 1-17, 2015
Image indexing by modified color cooccurrence matrix
SO Shim, TS Choi
2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2003
Machine learning based cost effective electricity load forecasting model using correlated meteorological parameters
M Jawad, MSA Nadeem, SO Shim, IR Khan, A Shaheen, N Habib, ...
IEEE Access 8, 146847-146864, 2020
CNC-NOS: Class noise cleaning by ensemble filtering and noise scoring
J Luengo, SO Shim, S Alshomrani, A Altalhi, F Herrera
Knowledge-Based Systems 140, 27-49, 2018
EEG based evaluation of stereoscopic 3D displays for viewer discomfort
AS Malik, RNHR Khairuddin, HU Amin, ML Smith, N Kamel, JM Abdullah, ...
Biomedical engineering online 14, 1-21, 2015
Edge color histogram for image retrieval
SO Shim, TS Choi
Proceedings. International Conference on Image Processing 3, 957-960, 2002
A novel iterative shape from focus algorithm based on combinatorial optimization
SO Shim, TS Choi
Pattern Recognition 43 (10), 3338-3347, 2010
Congestion avoidance and fault detection in WSNs using data science techniques
HSZ Kazmi, N Javaid, M Awais, M Tahir, S Shim, YB Zikria
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 33 (3), e3756, 2022
Accurate shape from focus based on focus adjustment in optical microscopy
SO Shim, AS Malik, TS Choi
Microscopy research and technique 72 (5), 362-370, 2009
Tone-mapping using perceptual-quantizer and image histogram
IR Khan, W Aziz, SO Shim
IEEE Access 8, 31350-31358, 2020
Depth map estimation using a robust focus measure
AS Malik, SO Shim, TS Choi
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 6, VI-564-VI-567, 2007
Mitosis detection in breast cancer histopathology images using hybrid feature space
N Maroof, A Khan, SA Qureshi, A ul Rehman, RK Khalil, SO Shim
Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy 31, 101885, 2020
Shape from focus using principal component analysis in discrete wavelet transform
MT Mahmood, SO Shim, TS Choi
Optical Engineering 48 (5), 057203-057203-9, 2009
On the feature selection methods and reject option classifiers for robust cancer prediction
MH Waseem, MSA Nadeem, A Abbas, A Shaheen, W Aziz, A Anjum, ...
IEEE Access 7, 141072-141082, 2019
Image de-noising using noise ratio estimation, K-means clustering and non-local means-based estimator
A Khan, M Waqas, MR Ali, A Altalhi, S Alshomrani, SO Shim
Computers & Electrical Engineering 54, 370-381, 2016
Improving focus measurement via variable window shape on surface radiance distribution for 3D shape reconstruction
IH Lee, SO Shim, TS Choi
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 51 (5), 520-526, 2013
A novel phase space reconstruction‐(PSR‐) based predictive algorithm to forecast atmospheric particulate matter concentration
SA Ali Shah, W Aziz, MS Ahmed Nadeem, M Almaraashi, SO Shim, ...
Scientific Programming 2019 (1), 6780379, 2019
A hybrid model for forecasting of particulate matter concentrations based on multiscale characterization and machine learning techniques
SAA Shah, W Aziz, M Almaraashi, MSA Nadeem, N Habib, SO Shim
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 18 (3), 1992-2009, 2021
Optimizing image focus for 3D shape recovery through genetic algorithm
IH Lee, MT Mahmood, SO Shim, TS Choi
Multimedia tools and applications 71, 247-262, 2014
Class association and attribute relevancy based imputation algorithm to reduce twitter data for optimal sentiment analysis
M Bibi, MSA Nadeem, IH Khan, SO Shim, IR Khan, U Naqvi, W Aziz
IEEE Access 7, 136535-136544, 2019
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Articles 1–20