Luis Gil de Sola  Simarro
Luis Gil de Sola Simarro
Instituto Español de Ocenografía. Senior Researcher
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The general specifications of the MEDITS surveys
JA Bertrand, LG de Sola, C Papaconstantinou, G Relini, A Souplet
Scientia marina 66 (S2), 9-17, 2002
An international bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean: the MEDITS programme
J Bertrand, LGO Sola, C Papaconstantinou, G Relini, A Souplet
ASC 1997-Y, 1997
Oceanographic habitat of an endangered Mediterranean procellariiform: implications for marine protected areas
M Louzao, KD Hyrenbach, JM Arcos, P Abelló, LG de Sola, D Oro
Ecological applications 16 (5), 1683-1695, 2006
European Red List of marine fishes
A Nieto, GM Ralph, MT Comeros-Raynal, HJL Heessen, AD Rijnsdorp
Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
Effects of large-scale habitat variability on condition of demersal exploited fish in the north-western Mediterranean
J Lloret, L Gil de Sola, A Souplet, R Galzin
ICES Journal of Marine Science 59 (6), 1215-1227, 2002
Coherent assessments of Europe’s marine fishes show regional divergence and megafauna loss
PG Fernandes, GM Ralph, A Nieto, M García Criado, P Vasilakopoulos, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (7), 0170, 2017
Spatial segregation of two species of Mullidae (Mullus surmuletus and M. barbatus) in relation to habitat
A Lombarte, L Recasens, M González, LG de Sola
Marine Ecology Progress Series 206, 239-249, 2000
Contribution on the distribution of elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean (from MEDITS surveys)
J Bertrand, L Gil-de-Sola-Simarro, C Papakonstantinou, G Relini, ...
Feeding guilds of western Mediterranean demersal fish and crustaceans: an analysis based in a spring survey
JE Cartes, P Abelló, D Lloris, A Carbonell, P Torres, F Maynou, ...
Scientia Marina 66 (S2), 209-220, 2002
From traits to life‐history strategies: Deconstructing fish community composition across European seas
L Pecuchet, M Lindegren, M Hidalgo, M Delgado, A Esteban, HO Fock, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (7), 812-822, 2017
Phylogeographic patterns of decapod crustaceans at the Atlantic–Mediterranean transition
VH García-Merchán, A Robainas-Barcia, P Abelló, E Macpherson, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62 (2), 664-672, 2012
Distribution of the Mediterranean hake populations (Merluccius merluccius smiridus Rafinesque, 1810) (Ostheichthyes: Gadiformes) based on six years monitoring …
LO Relini, C Papaconstantinou, S Jukic-Peladic, A Souplet, LG de Sola, ...
Scientia Marina 66 (S2), 21-38, 2002
MEDITS-based information on the deep water red shrimps Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Aristeidae)
A Cau, A Carbonell, MC Follesa, A Mannini, LO Relini, CY Politou, ...
Scientia Marina 66 (S2), 103-124, 2002
Feeding habits of blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810 and velvet belly lantern shark Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758) in the western …
E Fanelli, J Rey, P Torres, L Gil de Sola
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 25, 83-93, 2009
Influence of environmental variables on the feeding and diet of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) on the Mediterranean Iberian coasts
JE Cartes, J Rey, D Lloris, LG De Sola
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84 (4 …, 2004
Do changes in environmental and fishing pressures impact marine communities? An empirical assessment
MJ Rochet, VM Trenkel, A Carpentier, F Coppin, LG De Sola, JP Léauté, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (4), 741-750, 2010
Habitat related differences in lipid reserves of some exploited fish species in the north‐western Mediterranean continental shelf
J Lloret, R Galzin, L Gil de Sola, A Souplet, M Demestre
Journal of Fish Biology 67 (1), 51-65, 2005
MEDLEM database, a data collection on large Elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean and Black seas
C Mancusi, R Baino, C Fortuna, LG De Sola, G Morey, MN Bradai, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science 21 (2), 276-288, 2020
Predation and competition effects on the size diversity of aquatic communities
XD Quintana, M Arim, A Badosa, JM Blanco, D Boix, S Brucet, J Compte, ...
Aquatic Sciences 77, 45-57, 2015
Large spatial scale variation of demersal fish assemblage structure on the continental shelf of the NW Mediterranean Sea
JC Gaertner, JA Bertrand, LG De Sola, JP Durbec, E Ferrandis, A Souplet
Marine Ecology Progress Series 297, 245-257, 2005
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Articles 1–20