Hema Chandrasekaran
Cited by
Cited by
Kepler planet-detection mission: introduction and first results
WJ Borucki, D Koch, G Basri, N Batalha, T Brown, D Caldwell, J Caldwell, ...
Science 327 (5968), 977-980, 2010
Kepler mission design, realized photometric performance, and early science
DG Koch, WJ Borucki, G Basri, NM Batalha, TM Brown, D Caldwell, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 713 (2), L79, 2010
Overview of the Kepler science processing pipeline
JM Jenkins, DA Caldwell, H Chandrasekaran, JD Twicken, ST Bryson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 713 (2), L87, 2010
Characteristics of Kepler planetary candidates based on the first data set
WJ Borucki, DG Koch, G Basri, N Batalha, A Boss, TM Brown, D Caldwell, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 728 (2), 117, 2011
Initial characteristics of Kepler long cadence data for detecting transiting planets
JM Jenkins, DA Caldwell, H Chandrasekaran, JD Twicken, ST Bryson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 713 (2), L120, 2010
Transiting planet search in the Kepler pipeline
JM Jenkins, H Chandrasekaran, SD McCauliff, DA Caldwell, ...
Software and cyberinfrastructure for astronomy 7740, 140-150, 2010
The occurrence of rocky habitable-zone planets around solar-like stars from Kepler data
S Bryson, M Kunimoto, RK Kopparapu, JL Coughlin, WJ Borucki, D Koch, ...
The Astronomical Journal 161 (1), 36, 2020
The Kepler pixel response function
ST Bryson, P Tenenbaum, JM Jenkins, H Chandrasekaran, T Klaus, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 713 (2), L97, 2010
Instrument performance in Kepler's first months
DA Caldwell, JJ Kolodziejczak, JE Van Cleve, JM Jenkins, PR Gazis, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 713 (2), L92, 2010
Demonstration of ignition radiation temperatures in indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion hohlraums
SH Glenzer, BJ MacGowan, NB Meezan, PA Adams, JB Alfonso, ET Alger, ...
Physical review letters 106 (8), 085004, 2011
Shock timing experiments on the National Ignition Facility: Initial results and comparison with simulation
HF Robey, TR Boehly, PM Celliers, JH Eggert, D Hicks, RF Smith, ...
Physics of Plasmas 19 (4), 2012
Kepler Data Processing Handbook: Transiting Planet Search
JM Jenkins, P Tenenbaum, S Seader, CJ Burke, SD McCauliff, JC Smith, ...
Kepler Science Document KSCI-19081-002, 9, 2017
Presearch data conditioning in the Kepler Science Operations Center pipeline
JD Twicken, H Chandrasekaran, JM Jenkins, JP Gunter, F Girouard, ...
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy 7740, 673-684, 2010
Precision shock tuning on the National Ignition Facility
HF Robey, PM Celliers, JL Kline, AJ Mackinnon, TR Boehly, OL Landen, ...
Physical review letters 108 (21), 215004, 2012
Discovery and Rossiter–McLaughlin Effect of Exoplanet Kepler-8b
JM Jenkins, WJ Borucki, DG Koch, GW Marcy, WD Cochran, WF Welsh, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 724 (2), 1108, 2010
A neural network training algorithm utilizing multiple sets of linear equations
HH Chen, MT Manry, H Chandrasekaran
Neurocomputing 25 (1-3), 55-72, 1999
Pixel-level calibration in the Kepler Science Operations Center pipeline
EV Quintana, JM Jenkins, BD Clarke, H Chandrasekaran, JD Twicken, ...
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy 7740, 697-708, 2010
Data validation in the Kepler science operations center pipeline
H Wu, JD Twicken, P Tenenbaum, BD Clarke, J Li, EV Quintana, C Allen, ...
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy 7740, 478-489, 2010
Selecting pixels for Kepler downlink
ST Bryson, JM Jenkins, TC Klaus, MT Cote, EV Quintana, JR Hall, ...
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy 7740, 526-537, 2010
An algorithm for the fitting of planet models to Kepler light curves
P Tenenbaum, ST Bryson, H Chandrasekaran, J Li, E Quintana, ...
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy 7740, 197-208, 2010
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Articles 1–20