George Alexandru Nemnes
George Alexandru Nemnes
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
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Cited by
Iodine migration and degradation of perovskite solar cells enhanced by metallic electrodes
C Besleaga, LE Abramiuc, V Stancu, AG Tomulescu, M Sima, L Trinca, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (24), 5168-5175, 2016
Normal and inverted hysteresis in perovskite solar cells
GA Nemnes, C Besleaga, V Stancu, DE Dogaru, LN Leonat, L Pintilie, ..., 2017
How measurement protocols influence the dynamic JV characteristics of perovskite solar cells: Theory and experiment
GA Nemnes, C Besleaga, AG Tomulescu, A Palici, L Pintilie, A Manolescu, ...
Solar Energy 173, 976-983, 2018
Collective Behavior of Molecular Dipoles in CH3NH3PbI3
C Goehry, GA Nemnes, A Manolescu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (34), 19674-19680, 2015
Nano-transistors in the Landauer–Büttiker formalism
GA Nemnes, U Wulf, PN Racec
Journal of applied physics 96 (1), 596-604, 2004
Dynamic electrical behavior of halide perovskite based solar cells
GA Nemnes, C Besleaga, AG Tomulescu, I Pintilie, L Pintilie, K Torfason, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 159, 197-203, 2017
Nonlinear IV characteristics of nanotransistors in the Landauer-Büttiker formalism
GA Nemnes, U Wulf, PN Racec
Journal of applied physics 98 (8), 2005
Reversal of thermoelectric current in tubular nanowires
SI Erlingsson, A Manolescu, GA Nemnes, JH Bardarson, D Sanchez
Physical review letters 119 (3), 036804, 2017
Adiabatic edge channel transport in a nanowire quantum point contact register
S Heedt, A Manolescu, GA Nemnes, W Prost, J Schubert, D Grutzmacher, ...
Nano letters 16 (7), 4569-4575, 2016
Spin filtering in graphene nanoribbons with Mn-doped boron nitride inclusions
GA Nemnes, S Antohe
Materials Science and Engineering: B 178 (19), 1347-1351, 2013
Capacitive and inductive effects in perovskite solar cells: The different roles of ionic current and ionic charge accumulation
N Filipoiu, AT Preda, DV Anghel, R Patru, RE Brophy, M Kateb, ...
Physical Review Applied 18 (6), 064087, 2022
Electronic and thermal conduction properties of halogenated porous graphene nanoribbons
GA Nemnes, C Visan, A Manolescu
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (18), 4435-4441, 2017
Self-consistent potentials and linear regime conductance of cylindrical nanowire transistors in the R-matrix formalism
GA Nemnes, L Ion, S Antohe
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (11), 2009
Enhanced photoconductivity of SiGe nanocrystals in SiO2 driven by mild annealing
MT Sultan, A Manolescu, JT Gudmundsson, K Torfason, GA Nemnes, ...
Applied Surface Science 469, 870-878, 2019
The hysteresis-free behavior of perovskite solar cells from the perspective of the measurement conditions
GA Nemnes, C Besleaga, AG Tomulescu, LN Leonat, V Stancu, M Florea, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (18), 5267-5274, 2019
Electric field effect in boron and nitrogen doped graphene bilayers
GA Nemnes, TL Mitran, A Manolescu, D Dragoman
Computational Materials Science 155, 175-179, 2018
Thermo-electrical properties of nanostructured ballistic nanowires in the R-matrix formalism using the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method
GA Nemnes, L Ion, S Antohe
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42 (5), 1613-1617, 2010
Band alignment and charge transfer in rutile-TiO 2/CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3− x Cl x interfaces
GA Nemnes, C Goehry, TL Mitran, A Nicolaev, L Ion, S Antohe, N Plugaru, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (45), 30417-30423, 2015
Reduction of ballistic spin scattering in a spin-FET using stray electric fields
GA Nemnes, A Manolescu, V Gudmundsson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 338 (1), 012012, 2012
Conductance oscillations of core-shell nanowires in transversal magnetic fields
A Manolescu, GA Nemnes, A Sitek, TO Rosdahl, SI Erlingsson, ...
Physical Review B 93 (20), 205445, 2016
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Articles 1–20