Amira Sh. Soliman
Amira Sh. Soliman
Natural Resources Department, Faculty of African Postgraduate Studies , Cairo University, Giza
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Alleviation of salt stress on Moringa peregrina using foliar application of nanofertilizers
AS Soliman, SA El-Feky, E Darwish
Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 7 (2), 36-47, 2015
Improving salinity tolerance of Acacia saligna (Labill.) plant by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium inoculation
AS Soliman, NT Shanan, ON Massoud, DM Swelim
African Journal of Biotechnology 11 (5), 1259-1266, 2012
Effect of Nano and Molecular Phosphorus Fertilizers on Growth and Chemical Composition of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.)
AS Soliman, M Hassan, F Abou-Elella, AHH Ahmed, SA El-Feky
Journal of Plant Sciences 11 ((4-5)), 52-60, 2016
Chromosomal study in newborn infants with congenital anomalies in Assiut University hospital: Cross-sectional study
YA Mohammed, RM Shawky, AS Soliman, MM Ahmed
Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics 12 (1), 2011
Effects of sulfuric acid and hot water pre-treatments on seed germination and seedlings growth of Cassia fistula L
AS Soliman, MS Abbas
American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 13 (1), 7-15, 2013
Development and validation of a multiresidue method for the determination of 323 pesticide residues in dry herbs using QuEChERS method and LC-ESI-MS/MS
MS Abbas, AS Soliman, HA El-Gammal, ME Amer, ER Attallah
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 97 (11), 1003-1023, 2017
Phytochemical analysis of Nigerian and Egyptian henna (Lawsonia inermis L.) leaves using TLC, FTIR and GCMS
NH Wagini, AS Soliman, MS Abbas, YA Hanafy, ESM Badawy
Plant 2 (3), 27-32, 2014
Effects of Laser Biostimulation on Germination of Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.
A Soliman, MA Harith
XIII International Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 854, 41-50, 2009
Phylogenetic, toxigenic and virulence profiles of Alternaria species causing leaf blight of tomato in Egypt
SF El Gobashy, WZA Mikhail, AM Ismail, A Zekry, A Moretti, A Susca, ...
Mycological Progress 17, 1269-1282, 2018
Antifungal bio-efficacy of the red algae Gracilaria confervoides extracts against three pathogenic fungi of cucumber plant
AS Soliman, AY Ahmed, SE Abdel-Ghafour, MM El-Sheekh, HM Sobhy
Middle East J. Appl. Sci 8 (3), 727-735, 2018
Comparative evaluation of some herbs and their suitability for skimmed milk yoghurt and cast Kariesh cheese fortification as functional foods
DF Hasneen, NL Zaki, MS Abbas, AS Soliman, IS Ashoush, AE Fayed
Annals of Agricultural Sciences 65 (1), 6-12, 2020
Synergistic effect of growth-promoting microorganisms on bio-control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi, growth, yield, physiological and anatomical characteristics of pea plants
HHA El-Sharkawy, MS Abbas, AS Soliman, SA Ibrahim, IAI El-Nady
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 178, 104939, 2021
Optimization of germination, callus induction, and cell suspension culture of African locust beans Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth
MS Abbas, HM El-Shabrawi, AS Soliman, MA Selim
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 16 (1), 191-201, 2018
Biological control of soil borne cucumber diseases using green marine macroalgae
MM El-Sheekh, AY Ahmed, AS Soliman, SE Abdel-Ghafour, HM Sobhy
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 31 (1), 72, 2021
Ecological studies of epiphytic microalgae and epiphytic zooplankton on seaweeds of the Eastern Harbor, Alexandria, Egypt
SNG El-Din, NA Shaltout, MZ Nassar, A Soliman
American Journal of Environmental Sciences 11 (6), 450, 2015
Physical and chemical characteristics of mangrove soil under marine influence. A case study on the Mangrove Forests at Egyptian-African Red Sea Coast.
A A Afefe, M S Abbas, A Sh Soliman, AH A Khedr, EB E Hatab
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 23 (3), 385-399, 2019
Transesterification of low FFA waste vegetable oil using homogeneous base catalyst for biodiesel production: optimization, kinetics and product stability
EG Al-Sakkari, ST El-Sheltawy, A Soliman, I Ismail
Journal of Advanced Chemical Sciences, 586-592, 2018
Effect of some soil amendments on yield and quality traits of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) under water stress in sandy soil
M Abbas, AS Soliman, ZR Moustafa, A El-Reheem, M Kenawy
Egyptian journal of agronomy 40 (1), 75-88, 2018
Dielectric investigation of some normal alcohols and diols dispersed in some polymeric matrices
SL Abd‐El‐Messieh, MG Mohamed, AM Mazrouaa, A Soliman
Journal of applied polymer science 85 (2), 271-281, 2002
Studies on Thrips tabaci Lindman: IX. Resistance of Nineteen Varieties of Cotton to Thrips tabaci L. and Aphis gossypii G.
AAA Gawaad, AS Soliman
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 70 (1‐4), 93-98, 1972
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Articles 1–20