Iven Mareels
Cited by
Cited by
Putting energy back in control
R Ortega, AJ Van Der Schaft, I Mareels, B Maschke
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 21 (2), 18-33, 2001
An observer looks at synchronization
H Nijmeijer, IMY Mareels
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental theory and …, 1997
Stability of adaptive systems: Passivity and averaging analysis
BDO Anderson, RR Bitmead, CR Johnson Jr, PV Kokotovic, RL Kosut, ...
MIT press, 1986
On non-local stability properties of extremum seeking control
Y Tan, D Nešić, I Mareels
Automatica 42 (6), 889-903, 2006
A Lyapunov formulation of the nonlinear small-gain theorem for interconnected ISS systems
ZP Jiang, IMY Mareels, Y Wang
Automatica 32 (8), 1211-1215, 1996
Extremum seeking from 1922 to 2010
Y Tan, WH Moase, C Manzie, D Nešić, IMY Mareels
Proceedings of the 29th Chinese control conference, 14-26, 2010
Topological feedback entropy and nonlinear stabilization
GN Nair, RJ Evans, IMY Mareels, W Moran
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (9), 1585-1597, 2004
Stability theory for differential/algebraic systems with application to power systems
DJ Hill, IMY Mareels
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems 37 (11), 1416-1423, 1990
A small-gain control method for nonlinear cascaded systems with dynamic uncertainties
ZP Jiang, IMY Marcels
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 42 (3), 292-308, 1997
Control of large-scale irrigation networks
M Cantoni, E Weyer, Y Li, SK Ooi, I Mareels, M Ryan
Proceedings of the IEEE 95 (1), 75-91, 2007
High performance control
TT Tay, I Mareels, JB Moore
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Optimal charging of electric vehicles taking distribution network constraints into account
J De Hoog, T Alpcan, M Brazil, DA Thomas, I Mareels
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (1), 365-375, 2014
Adaptive systems: an introduction
I Mareels, JW Polderman
Springer, 1996
An efficient brute-force solution to the network reconfiguration problem
AB Morton, IMY Mareels
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 15 (3), 996-1000, 2000
On global extremum seeking in the presence of local extrema
Y Tan, D Nešić, IMY Mareels, A Astolfi
Automatica 45 (1), 245-251, 2009
A unifying framework for global regulation via nonlinear output feedback: from ISS to iISS
ZP Jiang, I Mareels, DJ Hill, J Huang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (4), 549-562, 2004
Stability and motor adaptation in human arm movements
E Burdet, KP Tee, I Mareels, TE Milner, CM Chew, DW Franklin, R Osu, ...
Biological cybernetics 94, 20-32, 2006
Adaptive repetitive learning control of robotic manipulators without the requirement for initial repositioning
M Sun, SS Ge, IMY Mareels
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 22 (3), 563-568, 2006
Systems engineering for irrigation systems: Successes and challenges
I Mareels, E Weyer, SK Ooi, M Cantoni, Y Li, G Nair
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 1-16, 2005
A new approach to adaptive robust control
WS Lee, BDO Anderson, RL Kosut, IMY Mareels
International journal of adaptive control and signal processing 7 (3), 183-211, 1993
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Articles 1–20