Milton Sousa
Cited by
Cited by
Servant leadership and the effect of the interaction between humility, action, and hierarchical power on follower engagement
M Sousa, D van Dierendonck
Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1), 13-25, 2017
The cross-cultural invariance of the servant leadership survey: A comparative study across eight countries
D Van Dierendonck, M Sousa, S Gunnarsdóttir, A Bobbio, J Hakanen, ...
Administrative Sciences 7 (2), 8, 2017
Introducing a short measure of shared servant leadership impacting team performance through team behavioral integration
M Sousa, D Van Dierendonck
Frontiers in psychology 6, 2002, 2016
Knowledge workers, servant leadership and the search for meaning in knowledge-driven organizations
M Correia de Sousa, D van Dierendonck
On the Horizon 18 (3), 230-239, 2010
The sustainable innovation engine
M Correia de Sousa
Vine 36 (4), 398-405, 2006
Open innovation models and the role of knowledge brokers
M Sousa
Inside knowledge 11 (6), 18-22, 2008
Finding meaning in highly uncertain situations: Servant leadership during change
D van Dierendonck, M Sousa
Leadership lessons from compelling contexts, 403-424, 2016
Servant leaders as underestimators: theoretical and practical implications
M Sousa, D van Dierendonck
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 38 (2), 270-283, 2017
Gemeinschaft in the midst of Gesellschaft? Love as an organizational virtue
MP Cunha, SR Clegg, C Costa, AP Leite, A Rego, AV Simpson, ...
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 14 (1), 3-21, 2017
Servant leadership and engagement in a merge process under high uncertainty
M Jorge Correia de Sousa, D van Dierendonck
Journal of Organizational Change Management 27 (6), 877-899, 2014
Como podem as organizações gerir paradoxos?
MP Cunha, A Rego, M Sousa
Análise Psicológica 34 (3), 309-323, 2016
Spin-up–creating an entrepreneurship coaching and training program for university spin-offs
M Oliveira, J Ferreira, A Xavier, J de Sousa, G Meireles, M Sousa, ...
Academic Paper Presented at the 7th ECIE, 530-538, 2012
Incorporating Organizational Ambidexterity in the Public Sector Through Servant Leadership
MMCP Luz, M Sousa
Practicing Servant Leadership, 231-248, 2018
Building and implementing a Leadership Manual
M Sousa
Bumpy Road Ahead: The Automotive Interiors Merger that Wasn’t
M Sousa, L Comiteau
Recrutamento em ambiente de diversidade cultural
D van Dierendonck, A Barroca, M Sousa, M Carenzo, M Miklosz
Investigação e Intervenção em Recursos Humanos 1 (1), 2014
HRM as a high performance work system for university spin-offs
M Sousa, A Barroca, F Flohil, C Neto
Investigação e Intervenção em Recursos Humanos 1 (1), 2013
Recrutamento em ambiente de diversidade cultural na Europa
D van Dierendonck, A Barroca, M Sousa, M Carenzo, M Miklosz
Investigação e Intervenção em Recursos Humanos 1 (1), 2013
SPIN-UP-creating an Entrepreneurship Coaching and Training Program for University Spin-Offs
M Torkkeli, S Tomperi, D Tzmrielak, M Sousa, G Meireles, MAY Oliveira, ...
Creative Entrepreneurial Abrasion in Higher Education
M Sousa, J Oliveira, JJP Ferreira
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 266 (1), 2010
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Articles 1–20