Temporal logic: mathematical foundations and computational aspects DM Gabbay, MA Reynolds, M Finger Oxford University Press, 2000 | 1517* | 2000 |
On the temporal analysis of fairness D Gabbay, A Pnueli, S Shelah, J Stavi Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1980 | 1139 | 1980 |
Many-dimensional modal logics: theory and applications A Kurucz, F Wolter, M Zakharyaschev, DM Gabbay Elsevier, 2003 | 973 | 2003 |
Handbook of philosophical logic DM Gabbay, F Guenthner Kluwer academic 6, 293-393, 2002 | 795 | 2002 |
Labelled deductive systems DM Gabbay Oxford university press, 1996 | 790 | 1996 |
Inconsistency handling in multiperspective specifications ACW Finkelstein, D Gabbay, A Hunter, J Kramer, B Nuseibeh IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 20 (8), 569-578, 1994 | 757 | 1994 |
Dynamic syntax R Kempson, W Meyer-Viol, D Gabbay Pronouns–Grammar and Representation, 137, 2001 | 706 | 2001 |
Theoretical foundations for non-monotonic reasoning in expert systems DM Gabbay Logics and models of concurrent systems, 439-457, 1985 | 698 | 1985 |
The declarative past and imperative future: Executable temporal logic for interactive systems D Gabbay Temporal Logic in Specification: Altrincham, UK, April 8–10, 1987 …, 1989 | 451 | 1989 |
Neural-symbolic learning systems AS d’Avila Garcez, LC Lamb, DM Gabbay Neural-Symbolic Cognitive Reasoning, 35-54, 2009 | 418 | 2009 |
Handbook of Logic in Computer Science: Volume 5. Algebraic and Logical Structures S Abramsky, DM Gabbay, TSE Maibaum OUP Oxford, 2001 | 411* | 2001 |
Handbook of tableau methods M D'Agostino, DM Gabbay, R Hähnle, J Posegga Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 410 | 2013 |
Semantical investigations in Heyting's intuitionistic logic DM Gabbay Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 407 | 2013 |
The Reach of Abduction: Insight and Trial (A Practical Logic of Cognitive Systems, Vol. 2) D Gabbay, J Woods Elsevier, 2005 | 406 | 2005 |
A logical account of formal argumentation MWA Caminada, DM Gabbay Studia Logica 93, 109-145, 2009 | 391 | 2009 |
Fibring logics DM Gabbay Clarendon Press, 1998 | 342 | 1998 |
Neural-symbolic cognitive reasoning ASDA Garcez, LC Lamb, DM Gabbay Springer Science & Business Media, 2008 | 306 | 2008 |
Products of modal logics, part 1 DM Gabbay, VB Shehtman Logic journal of IGPL 6 (1), 73-146, 1998 | 303 | 1998 |
N-Prolog: An extension of Prolog with hypothetical implications. I. DM Gabbay, U Reyle The Journal of Logic Programming 1 (4), 319-355, 1984 | 300* | 1984 |
Adding a temporal dimension to a logic system M Finger, DM Gabbay Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1, 203-233, 1992 | 299 | 1992 |