Tomáš Mrkvička
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Cited by
Global envelope tests for spatial processes
M Myllymäki, T Mrkvička, P Grabarnik, H Seijo, U Hahn
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2017
Size selectivity of standardized multimesh gillnets in sampling coarse European species
M Prchalová, J Kubečka, M Říha, T Mrkvička, M Vašek, T Jůza, ...
Fisheries Research 96 (1), 51-57, 2009
Fish activity as determined by gillnet catch: A comparison of two reservoirs of different turbidity
M Prchalová, T Mrkvička, J Kubečka, J Peterka, M Čech, M Muška, ...
Fisheries Research 102 (3), 291-296, 2010
Diel variation in gillnet catches and vertical distribution of pelagic fishes in a stratified European reservoir
M Vašek, J Kubečka, M Čech, V Draštík, J Matěna, T Mrkvička, J Peterka, ...
Fisheries Research 96 (1), 64-69, 2009
GET: Global envelopes in R
M Myllymäki, T Mrkvička
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.06583, 2019
Long‐term development of fish populations in the Římov Reservoir
M Říha, J Kubečka, M Vašek, J SE? A, T Mrkvička, M Prchalová, J Matēna, ...
Fisheries Management and Ecology 16 (2), 121-129, 2009
A model of gillnet catch in relation to the catchable biomass, saturation, soak time and sampling period
M Prchalová, T Mrkvička, J Peterka, M Čech, L Berec, J Kubečka
Fisheries Research 107 (1-3), 201-209, 2011
Functional outlier detection and taxonomy by sequential transformations
W Dai, T Mrkvička, Y Sun, MG Genton
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 149, 106960, 2020
A one-way ANOVA test for functional data with graphical interpretation
T Mrkvicka, M Myllymaki, M Jilek, U Hahn
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03608, 2016
Patterns in diel habitat use of fish covering the littoral and pelagic zones in a reservoir
M Říha, D Ricard, M Vašek, M Prchalová, T Mrkvička, T Jůza, M Čech, ...
Hydrobiologia 747, 111-131, 2015
Hydroacoustic estimates of fish stocks in temperate reservoirs: day or night surveys?
V Draštík, J Kubečka, M Čech, J Frouzová, M Říha, T Juza, M Tušer, ...
Aquatic Living Resources 22 (1), 69-77, 2009
To migrate, or not to migrate: partial diel horizontal migration of fish in a temperate freshwater reservoir
M Muška, M Tušer, J Frouzová, V Draštík, M Čech, T Jůza, M Kratochvíl, ...
Hydrobiologia 707, 17-28, 2013
Multiple Monte Carlo testing, with applications in spatial point processes
T Mrkvička, M Myllymäki, U Hahn
Statistics and Computing 27, 1239-1255, 2017
The utility of predatory fish in biomanipulation of deep reservoirs
M Vašek, M Prchalová, J Peterka, HAM Ketelaars, AJ Wagenvoort, ...
Ecological Engineering 52, 104-111, 2013
Changing environmental conditions underpin long-term patterns of phytoplankton in a freshwater reservoir
P Znachor, J Nedoma, J Hejzlar, J Seďa, J Komárková, V Kolář, ...
Science of the Total Environment 710, 135626, 2020
Evaluation of potential bias in observing fish with a DIDSON acoustic camera
M Tušer, J Frouzová, H Balk, M Muška, T Mrkvička, J Kubečka
Fisheries Research 155, 114-121, 2014
Fish community response to the longitudinal environmental gradient in Czech deep-valley reservoirs: implications for ecological monitoring and management
M Vašek, M Prchalová, M Říha, P Blabolil, M Čech, V Draštík, J Frouzová, ...
Ecological Indicators 63, 219-230, 2016
Dependence of beach seine net efficiency on net length and diel period
M Říha, J Kubečka, T Mrkvička, M Prchalová, M Čech, V Draštík, ...
Aquatic Living Resources 21 (4), 411-418, 2008
Fish hydroacoustic survey standardization: A step forward based on comparisons of methods and systems from vertical surveys of a large deep lake
V Draštík, M Godlewska, H Balk, P Clabburn, J Kubečka, E Morrissey, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 15 (10), 836-846, 2017
Fractal and stochastic geometry inference for breast cancer: a case study with random fractal models and Quermass‐interaction process
P Hermann, T Mrkvička, T Mattfeldt, M Minárová, K Helisová, O Nicolis, ...
Statistics in medicine 34 (18), 2636-2661, 2015
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Articles 1–20