Yudan Guo
Yudan Guo
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Tunable-range, photon-mediated atomic interactions in multimode cavity QED
VD Vaidya, Y Guo, RM Kroeze, KE Ballantine, AJ Kollár, J Keeling, ...
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011002, 2018
Spinor self-ordering of a quantum gas in a cavity
RM Kroeze, Y Guo, VD Vaidya, J Keeling, BL Lev
Physical review letters 121 (16), 163601, 2018
Supermode-density-wave-polariton condensation with a Bose–Einstein condensate in a multimode cavity
AJ Kollár, AT Papageorge, VD Vaidya, Y Guo, J Keeling, BL Lev
Nature communications 8 (1), 14386, 2017
Sign-changing photon-mediated atom interactions in multimode cavity quantum electrodynamics
Y Guo, RM Kroeze, VD Vaidya, J Keeling, BL Lev
Physical review letters 122 (19), 193601, 2019
Dynamical spin-orbit coupling of a quantum gas
RM Kroeze, Y Guo, BL Lev
Physical review letters 123 (16), 160404, 2019
An optical lattice with sound
Y Guo, RM Kroeze, BP Marsh, S Gopalakrishnan, J Keeling, BL Lev
Nature 599 (7884), 211-215, 2021
Enhancing associative memory recall and storage capacity using confocal cavity QED
BP Marsh, Y Guo, RM Kroeze, S Gopalakrishnan, S Ganguli, J Keeling, ...
Physical Review X 11 (2), 021048, 2021
Emergent and broken symmetries of atomic self-organization arising from Gouy phase shifts in multimode cavity QED
Y Guo, VD Vaidya, RM Kroeze, RA Lunney, BL Lev, J Keeling
Physical Review A 99 (5), 053818, 2019
Photon-mediated Peierls transition of a 1D gas in a multimode optical cavity
C Rylands, Y Guo, BL Lev, J Keeling, V Galitski
Physical Review Letters 125 (1), 010404, 2020
Analysis of arbitrary superconducting quantum circuits accompanied by a Python package: SQcircuit
T Rajabzadeh, Z Wang, N Lee, T Makihara, Y Guo, AH Safavi-Naeini
Quantum 7, 1118, 2023
Strong dispersive coupling between a mechanical resonator and a fluxonium superconducting qubit
NRA Lee, Y Guo, AY Cleland, EA Wollack, RG Gruenke, T Makihara, ...
PRX Quantum 4 (4), 040342, 2023
The Schrödinger–Newton system with self-field coupling
J Franklin, Y Guo, A McNutt, A Morgan
Classical and Quantum Gravity 32 (6), 065010, 2015
Sign-changing photon-mediated atom interactions in multimode cavity QED
Y Guo, RM Kroeze, VV Vaidya, J Keeling, BL Lev
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11086, 2018
The dynamics of the Schrödinger–Newton system with self-field coupling
J Franklin, Y Guo, KC Newton, M Schlosshauer
Classical and Quantum Gravity 33 (7), 075002, 2016
Roles of temperature, materials, and domain inversion in high-performance, low-bias-drift thin film lithium niobate blue light modulators
OT Celik, N Yousry Ammar, T Park, HS Stokowski, KKS Multani, ...
Optics Express 32 (21), 36160-36170, 2024
A parametrically programmable delay line for microwave photons
T Makihara, N Lee, Y Guo, W Guan, A Safavi-Naeini
Nature Communications 15 (1), 4640, 2024
Photon-Mediated Atom-Atom Interaction in a Confocal Cavity
Y Guo
Stanford University, 2021
Gate Set Tomography of a 3D Transmon Qubit
Y Guo, S Novikov, D Greenbaum, A Skinner, BS Palmer
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2015, T38. 005, 2015
Scalar Gravity with Self-field Coupling
Y Guo
Reed College, 2015
Multimode cavity QED as an active quantum gas microscope
R Kroeze, B Marsh, Y Guo, B Lev
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 66, 2021
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Articles 1–20