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Selman ER
Selman ER
inonu.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The Sariçiçek howardite fall in Turkey: Source crater of HED meteorites on Vesta and impact risk of Vestoids
O Unsalan, P Jenniskens, QZ Yin, E Kaygisiz, J Albers, DL Clark, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54 (5), 953-1008, 2019
Correlation of physico-mechanical properties of granitic rocks with Cerchar Abrasivity Index in Turkey
S Er, A Tuğrul
Measurement 91, 114-123, 2016
Estimation of Cerchar abrasivity index of granitic rocks in Turkey by geological properties using regression analysis
S Er, A Tuğrul
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 75, 1325-1339, 2016
Investigating the effects of micro-texture and geo-mechanical properties on the abrasiveness of volcanic rocks
Ö Ündül, S Er
Engineering Geology 229, 85-94, 2017
Investigation into the effects of textural properties on cuttability performance of a chisel tool
D Tumac, H Copur, C Balci, S Er, E Avunduk
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 51, 1227-1248, 2018
Numerical modelling of steep slopes in open rock quarries
M Yilmaz, A Ertin, S Er, A Tugrul
Journal of the Geological Society of India 91, 232-238, 2018
Evaluation of Potential Geotourism of Levent Valley and Its Surroundings Using GIS Route Analysis
E Karadeniz, S Er, Z Boyraz, S Coşkun
Geohertage 14 (77), 2022
Investigation of the effect of textural properties towards predicting sawing performance of diamond wire machines
D Tumac, E Avunduk, H Copur, C Balci, S Er
Deterioration types of stones used in Suleymaniye mosque (Istanbul, Turkey)
CA Bilen, S Erisis, S Er, M Yilmaz, S Angi, A Tugrul
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 44 (5), 052045, 2016
Pre-investigation to determine the effects of rock properties on performance of chain saw and diamond wire machines
D Tumac, E Avunduk, S Er, M Basyigit, H Copur, C Balci, I Yasan
ISRM International Symposium-Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ISRM-ARMS8-2014-185, 2014
Cutting performance of chain saw and diamond wire machines in beige marble quarry
E Avunduk, D Tumac, M Basyigit, S Er, H Copur, C Balci
ISRM International Symposium-Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ISRM-ARMS8-2014-186, 2014
A new approach for the prediction of brittleness index based on chemical properties of basaltic rocks
C Bilen, E Selman, A Tuğrul, M Yilmaz
Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia 18 (3), 285-299, 2021
Bazaltik Kayaçların Mineralojik ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin Akustik Emisyon Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Araştırılması
S Erişiş, A Tuğrul, M Yılmaz, S Er
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 43 (1), 1-22, 2019
Enhancing Geosıte Accessibility Assessment: A New Mcdm Model
S Bilgiç, E Karadeniz, S Er
Geoheritage 16 (62), 2024
Bazaltik Kayaların Bileşim ve Dokusal Özelliklerinin Mekanik Davranışlarına Etkisi
S Erişiş, A Tuğrul, S Er, M Yımaz
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 43 (2), 259-278, 2019
Abrasiveness Properties at Different Temperatures of Basalt, Marble and Limestone in Turkey
CA Bilen, S Er, M Yılmaz, E Avcı, A Tugrul
IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018-Volume …, 2019
Assessment of excavatability, abrasivity and slope stability in a sandstone quarry in Istanbul, Turkey
S Er, M Yilmaz, A Ertin, A Tugrul, N Tokgöz
Journal of the Geological Society of India 89, 581-588, 2017
Granitik kayaçların fiziko-mekanik özellikleri ile cerchar aşınma indeks değerleri arasındaki ilişki
S Er
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017
Assessment of Slope Stability Problems in an Open Pit Quarry; an Example from Istanbul Cebeci Region, Turkey
S Er, M Yılmaz, A Tugrul, A Ertin, N Tokgöz, E Arel
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2: Landslide Processes …, 2015
Malatya ilinde ICONA yöntemi ile CBS ve uzaktan algılama tabanlı erozyon risk analizi
S Bilgiç, S Er
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 14 (1), 350-359, 2025
Sistem, işlemi şu anda gerçekleştiremiyor. Daha sonra yeniden deneyin.
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