Utesov Oleg
Utesov Oleg
PCS IBS, Daejeon, South Korea
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Thermodynamically stable skyrmion lattice in a tetragonal frustrated antiferromagnet with dipolar interaction
OI Utesov
Physical Review B 103 (6), 064414, 2021
Raman spectra of crystalline nanoparticles: replacement for the phonon confinement model
SV Koniakhin, OI Utesov, IN Terterov, AV Siklitskaya, AG Yashenkin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (33), 19219-19229, 2018
Effective interactions in a quantum Bose-Bose mixture
OI Utesov, MI Baglay, SV Andreev
Physical Review A 97 (5), 053617, 2018
Mean-field description of skyrmion lattice in hexagonal frustrated antiferromagnets
OI Utesov
Physical Review B 105 (5), 054435, 2022
Spiral magnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction containing defect bonds
OI Utesov, AV Sizanov, AV Syromyatnikov
Physical Review B 92 (12), 125110, 2015
Raman spectra of nonpolar crystalline nanoparticles: Elasticity theory-like approach for optical phonons
OI Utesov, AG Yashenkin, SV Koniakhin
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (39), 22738-22749, 2018
Cascades of phase transitions in spiral magnets caused by dipolar forces
OI Utesov, AV Syromyatnikov
Physical Review B 95 (21), 214420, 2017
Signature of anisotropic exchange interaction revealed by vector-field control of the helical order in a FeGe thin plate
V Ukleev, O Utesov, L Yu, C Luo, K Chen, F Radu, Y Yamasaki, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013094, 2021
Substrate-induced reduction of graphene thermal conductivity
SV Koniakhin, OI Utesov, IN Terterov, AV Nalitov
Physical Review B 95 (4), 045418, 2017
Localized and propagating excitations in gapped phases of spin systems with bond disorder
OI Utesov, AV Sizanov, AV Syromyatnikov
Physical Review B 90 (15), 155121, 2014
Metastable solitonic states in the strained itinerant helimagnet FeGe
V Ukleev, Y Yamasaki, O Utesov, K Shibata, N Kanazawa, N Jaouen, ...
Physical Review B 102 (1), 014416, 2020
Formation of spiral ordering by magnetic field in frustrated anisotropic antiferromagnets
OI Utesov, AV Syromyatnikov
Physical Review B 100 (5), 054439, 2019
Spin wave stiffness and damping in a frustrated chiral helimagnet as measured by small-angle neutron scattering
V Ukleev, KA Pschenichnyi, O Utesov, K Karube, S Mühlbauer, R Cubitt, ...
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023239, 2022
Lifetimes of confined optical phonons and the shape of a Raman peak in disordered nanoparticles. II. Numerical treatment
SV Koniakhin, OI Utesov, AG Yashenkin
Physical Review B 102 (20), 205422, 2020
Cubic B20 helimagnets with quenched disorder in magnetic field
OI Utesov, AV Syromyatnikov
Physical Review B 99 (13), 134412, 2019
Spiral plane flops in frustrated helimagnets in external magnetic field
OI Utesov, AV Syromyatnikov
Physical Review B 98 (18), 184406, 2018
Theory of field-induced quantum phase transition in spin dimer system Ba3Cr2O8
OI Utesov, AV Syromyatnikov
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 358, 177-182, 2014
Magnon spectrum and electron spin resonance in antiferromagnet with large single-ion easy plane anisotropy
AS Sherbakov, OI Utesov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 518, 167390, 2021
Lifetimes of confined optical phonons and the shape of a Raman peak in disordered nanoparticles. I. Analytical treatment
OI Utesov, AG Yashenkin, SV Koniakhin
Physical Review B 102 (20), 205421, 2020
Bench tests for microscopic theory of Raman scattering in powders of disordered nonpolar crystals: Nanodiamonds and beyond
AG Yashenkin, OI Utesov, SV Koniakhin
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 52 (11), 1847-1859, 2021
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Articles 1–20