Hyeong Jun Kim
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Cited by
Ionoelastomer junctions between polymer networks of fixed anions and cations
HJ Kim, B Chen, Z Suo, RC Hayward
Science 367 (6479), 773-776, 2020
Tuning mechanical and optoelectrical properties of poly (3-hexylthiophene) through systematic regioregularity control
JS Kim, JH Kim, W Lee, H Yu, HJ Kim, I Song, M Shin, JH Oh, U Jeong, ...
Macromolecules 48 (13), 4339-4346, 2015
Solvent-resistant organic transistors and thermally stable organic photovoltaics based on cross-linkable conjugated polymers
HJ Kim, AR Han, CH Cho, H Kang, HH Cho, MY Lee, JMJ Fréchet, JH Oh, ...
Chemistry of materials 24 (1), 215-221, 2012
Effects of solubilizing group modification in fullerene bis-adducts on normal and inverted type polymer solar cells
KH Kim, H Kang, HJ Kim, PS Kim, SC Yoon, BJ Kim
Chemistry of Materials 24 (12), 2373-2381, 2012
Efficient, thermally stable, and mechanically robust all‐polymer solar cells consisting of the same benzodithiophene unit‐based polymer acceptor and donor with high molecular …
JW Lee, C Sun, BS Ma, HJ Kim, C Wang, JM Ryu, C Lim, TS Kim, YH Kim, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (5), 2003367, 2021
Importance of optimal composition in random terpolymer-based polymer solar cells
TE Kang, HH Cho, HJ Kim, W Lee, H Kang, BJ Kim
Macromolecules 46 (17), 6806-6813, 2013
Comparative study of thermal stability, morphology, and performance of all-polymer, fullerene–polymer, and ternary blend solar cells based on the same polymer donor
T Kim, J Choi, HJ Kim, W Lee, BJ Kim
Macromolecules 50 (17), 6861-6871, 2017
One-step fermentative production of aromatic polyesters from glucose by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli strains
JE Yang, SJ Park, WJ Kim, HJ Kim, BJ Kim, H Lee, J Shin, SY Lee
Nature communications 9 (1), 79, 2018
Controlling number of indene solubilizing groups in multiadduct fullerenes for tuning optoelectronic properties and open-circuit voltage in organic solar cells
H Kang, CH Cho, HH Cho, TE Kang, HJ Kim, KH Kim, SC Yoon, BJ Kim
ACS applied materials & interfaces 4 (1), 110-116, 2012
Architectural engineering of rod–coil compatibilizers for producing mechanically and thermally stable polymer solar cells
HJ Kim, JH Kim, JH Ryu, Y Kim, H Kang, WB Lee, TS Kim, BJ Kim
ACS nano 8 (10), 10461-10470, 2014
Low‐voltage reversible electroadhesion of ionoelastomer junctions
HJ Kim, L Paquin, CW Barney, S So, B Chen, Z Suo, AJ Crosby, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (25), 2000600, 2020
Proximity injection of plasticizing molecules to self-assembling polymers for large-area, ultrafast nanopatterning in the sub-10-nm regime
JW Jeong, YH Hur, H Kim, JM Kim, WI Park, MJ Kim, BJ Kim, YS Jung
ACS nano 7 (8), 6747-6757, 2013
Freestanding and arrayed nanoporous microcylinders for highly active 3D SERS substrate
SY Lee, SH Kim, MP Kim, HC Jeon, H Kang, HJ Kim, BJ Kim, SM Yang
Chemistry of Materials 25 (12), 2421-2426, 2013
Highly sensitive and selective liquid-phase sensors based on a solvent-resistant organic-transistor platform.
MY Lee, HJ Kim, GY Jung, AR Han, SK Kwak, BJ Kim, JH Oh
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 27 (9), 1540-1546, 2015
Effect of incorporated nitrogens on the planarity and photovoltaic performance of donor–acceptor copolymers
HH Cho, TE Kang, KH Kim, H Kang, HJ Kim, BJ Kim
Macromolecules 45 (16), 6415-6423, 2012
The effect of side-chain length on regioregular poly [3-(4-n-alkyl) phenylthiophene]/PCBM and ICBA polymer solar cells
CH Cho, HJ Kim, H Kang, TJ Shin, BJ Kim
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (28), 14236-14245, 2012
High-molecular-weight electroactive polymer additives for simultaneous enhancement of photovoltaic efficiency and mechanical robustness in high-performance polymer solar cells
JW Lee, BS Ma, HJ Kim, TS Kim, BJ Kim
JACS Au 1 (5), 612-622, 2021
Regioregular-block-Regiorandom Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Copolymers for Mechanically Robust and High-Performance Thin-Film Transistors
H Park, BS Ma, JS Kim, Y Kim, HJ Kim, D Kim, H Yun, J Han, FS Kim, ...
Macromolecules 52 (20), 7721-7730, 2019
Molecular Design of “Graft” Assembly for Ordered Microphase Separation of P3HT-Based Rod–Coil Copolymers
HJ Kim, K Paek, H Yang, CH Cho, JS Kim, W Lee, BJ Kim
Macromolecules 46 (21), 8472-8478, 2013
Importance of terminal group pairing of polymer donor and small‐molecule acceptor in optimizing blend morphology and voltage loss of high‐performance solar cells
GU Kim, C Sun, JS Park, HG Lee, D Lee, JW Lee, HJ Kim, S Cho, YH Kim, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (24), 2100870, 2021
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Articles 1–20